Alternative Early World Player Farming


So I noticed while playing start up on W84 (.net) and W22 (US) that ZomgTV did not have the worlds added to the website to easily access the farming script generator. Although many veteran players will have an alternative way of farming players early world without Zomg that might be easier. I prefer this method. I will first put the scripts below and give a short brief on the scripts. I will then go into good detail. So if you just want the scripts and know how they work you can grab them. If you need a tutorial read to the end.

First script is a simple Coordinate Grabbing Script. Fairly easily used just click on the players on the map you wish to farm. It will add the cords in ether bbcode or just cords to a little box in the bottom of the screen(also good for op planning later in the world) you run this script from the world map.

javascript: var win=window; var coords=[]; var outputID='villageList'; var encodeID='cbBBEncode'; var isEncoded=true; function fnRefresh(){win.$('#'+outputID).prop('value',{return isEncoded?'[coord]'+e+'[\/coord]':e;}).join(isEncoded?'\n':' '));} win.$(win.document).ready(function(){ if(win.$('#'+outputID).length<=0){ if(win.game_data.screen=='map'){ var srcHTML= '<div id="coord_picker">'+ '<span style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;">dalesmckay\'s co-ordinate picker v7.1:</span><br/><br/>'+ '<input type="checkbox" id="cbBBEncode" onClick="isEncoded=this.checked;fnRefresh();"'+(isEncoded?'checked':'')+'/>BB-Codes<br/>'+ '<textarea id="'+outputID+'" cols="40" rows="10" value="" onFocus=";"/>'+ '</div>'; ele=win.$('body').append(win.$(srcHTML));{ var pos=this.coordByEvent(e); var coord=pos.join("|"); var ii=coords.indexOf(coord); if(ii>=0){ coords.splice(ii,1); } else{ coords.push(coord); } fnRefresh(); return false; }; } else{ alert("Run this script from the Map.\nRedirecting now..."); self.location=win.game_data.link_base_pure.replace(/screen\=\w*/i,"screen=map"); } } }); void(0);

Next script is actually a website that helps you make a fake generating script but allows you to custom the units you put into the script. Which allows you to change the rams to LC and add scouts. So instead of 1 ram and 1 scout you can change it to 10 LC and 1 scout and now it is a farming script instead of a faking script. (again this script is also useful for making fake scripts later on in the world) Simply put the URL into your quick bar (or bookmark it) and it will send you to the website every time.

I will put the remaining into a spoiler, what I put below is simply a walkthrough for anyone who needs further detail on how to set the scripts up. I will do screen shots and walk you through how to use the cord grabber and how to set up the fake generator into a farming script.

1) Click on the Map


2) Click on cord grab script


3) Click on the players you wish to farm, then scroll to the bottom of the page, unclick the box that says "bbcode" and it will go to a list of cords you will need to add to the generator.


4) Now we will go to the website to generate the script. Incase you are to lazy to scroll up and get the script again. Here it is haha. (

Now that you are at the website, change the unit from ram to LC, then change the amount you'd like. Currently says one. For start up, I would suggest not going more then 5LC.


5) Once you finish editing the settings to your liking, click generate script. It will generate it for you and all you have to do from here is copy and past the script into your quick bar. The script is run from your rally point.


If you have any suggestions or questions please post them below. I can improve this guide with suggestions and will be happy to answer any and all questions.


Deleted User - 419875

Thank you for the information, great for old players and new players..

Can both premium and non premium players use these scripts?


Awesome guide for both old and new. Usually if a script is in quick bar it is only for premium but if you have the coords you might be able to book mark them. Not sure if that is still legal though so wait for a mod to say yes or no.


Awesome guide for both old and new. Usually if a script is in quick bar it is only for premium but if you have the coords you might be able to book mark them. Not sure if that is still legal though so wait for a mod to say yes or no.

I was unsure of a proper answer, so had to test it out myself. The cord grabber you need premium for. If you try to bookmark the script it just sends you to a search bar/new tab listing the script and taking you off the map which is where you need to run the script from.

The generator you can bookmark it, but will have to do it by village. It won't work properly and at this point you are better off bookmark farming which can be done with any internet browser and without premium. Which I can provide a bookmark farming guide sometime tonight/tomorrow depending how busy I get/late I stay up.

~ Jimmy

bidam veer

Active Member
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The best and the easiest way to farm is using the loot assitant...since the loot was introduced,i never used a script to farm.


​Yes loot assistant is the best way to farm Barbarian villages. However you can not use Loot Assistant to farm players. This guide is built to show a more effective way to farm players early world. As you tend to be more surrounded by players then barbarian villages and it takes 1-2 weeks for players to start turning into barbarian villages.

So I tend to use both when I farm early world.

~ Jimmy


As a new player just starting the game, I really appreciate a guide like this. Lots of detailed information to get me started. Thanks!


I am glad it helped Sneaky. Feel free to message me any questions you may have or post them here on the forums. I will be happy to lend you what ever knowledge I can provide to make your experience and enjoyment here a better one.
~ Jimmy


Hello! First of all i want to thank you for this detailed guide i was looking for for a long time. I know this is quite old topic and its possible things had changed since then, but i want to ask you anyway. Everything worked until i opened rally point and used scrip. Troops get selected, coordinates are added but it wont send attack automatically. Is this how it is supposed to work? i have to send attacks manually or is it just not working properly.