7.0 Update Changelog



We've been teasing you with some of the features included in the upcoming 7.0 update for a few weeks - now without any further ado, we present to you the full 7.0 changelog:


Awards [postlink=22108]more >[/postlink]
- 11 new Awards

Ingame Mail [postlink=22109]more >[/postlink]
- Mailing Groups [PA]
- Name filtering
- Select number of mails to be viewed per page [PA]

Map [postlink=22110]more >[/postlink]
- Context Menu
- Map dragging
- Size customization [PA]
- World Map
- Marking individual villages [PA]
- Highlighting tribes from their profile [PA]
- Load time improvements
- Mobile Improvements [PA]

Noble Planner [postlink=22111]more >[/postlink]
- Claims filtering
- Exporting
- 'Select all' checkbox

Notebook [PA] [postlink=22112]more >[/postlink]
- Tabs

Overviews [PA] [postlink=22113]more >[/postlink]
- Demolishing & Cancelling from Buildings Overview
- Researching from Research Overview
- More nobleman information on Troops Overview
- Village Points shown on Group Overview

Premium [PA] obviously [postlink=22114]more >[/postlink]
- Attack notifications
- Village Manager
- Troop Manager
- Market Manager

Recruitment [postlink=22115]more >[/postlink]
- Rearrange queues in Barracks, Stable and Workshop

Reports [postlink=22116]more >[/postlink]
- Mass Forwarding [PA]
- 'Support Defences' Report Sorting
- 'Show All' option for Public Reports

Tribal Forums [postlink=22117]more >[/postlink]
- Mass post deletion
- 'Close voting on' option for polls
- Your poll choice highlighted
- Condensed page navigation

Tribe [postlink=22118]more >[/postlink]
- "Tribal Wars"

Units [postlink=22119]more >[/postlink]
- Militia

Village Notes [PA] [postlink=22120]more >[/postlink]
- Notes can be added to any village
- Note icon on map
- Note icon on Overviews

Website [postlink=22121]more >[/postlink]
- Hall of Fame
- Milestones
- More statistics
- Warning for new players attempting to join old worlds

Worlds [postlink=22122]more >[/postlink]
- The geographical size of worlds can be adjusted

Displayed Information [postlink=22123]more >[/postlink]
- Milliseconds shown in more places
- Incoming Support Icon [PA]
- "Request Support" - 'Simple' output [PA]
- 'Commandable Troops' displayed on map popup [PA]
- Player name shown in front of supported village in Troops Overview [PA]
- Coordinates added to "Tag Tool" output [PA]
- Haul information visible on Commands Overview [PA]

Miscellaneous Optimizations [postlink=22124]more >[/postlink]
- BB-codes case insensitivity
- BB-codes allowed in Tribe Welcome Message
- Number of BB-code brackets may now exceed 500
- Market 'shippable' resources recalculation
- Add Friends from their player profile
- Group change box always shown when scrolling in village list popup [PA]
- Dropdown box added to the Academy's "Mint Coins" page [PA]

Graphics and Design [postlink=22125]more >[/postlink]
- Game redesign
- Combat pictures
- New unit icons
- "Night" graphics extended to map
- Option to deactivate the 3 changes listed above
- 'Settings' options place changes


You the community have been a great help in making this update what it is - the grand majority of what you see here were ideas brought forward by players - for which you have our thanks. Feedback is, as always, heartily appreciated.

>> Discussion thread

On behalf of your Tribal Wars team,



Awards [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

A number of new awards have been added into the game for you to strive for and show off.

Award Name - How it is Earned

Demolisher - number of building levels catapulted
Looter of the day - most resources looted daily
The Market Guru - number of completed market offers
Nobles Faith - number of nobles killed
The Scout Hunter - number of scout attacks against your village successfully defended
Master of the Battlefield - number of battles ("small" battles don't count) won
Wealth comes in Gold - number of coins minted
The Warmonger - number of different players attacked
Beloved Friend - number of entries in your Friends list
Brothers in Arms - number of continuous days spent in the same tribe
The Reliable Commander - number of 'support' battles taken part in


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Ingame Mail [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Mailing Groups! The Address Book feature has been expanded with the inclusion of custom Mailing Groups. Create a mailing group of your neighbouring tribemates to ease the process of sending alerts to the relevant people in times of crisis, or deal out instructions efficiently to your operation group. A few simple clicks while composing a message will then insert their names as recipients and away you go!

In addition! Filter your mails by player name! Clicking on "Conversational Partner" will open up an input box for the name of the player. Simply fill 'er up and you will be presented with a list of your stored conversations with that player. You will also be able to set the amount of mails you'd like to see on a single page similar to what was already possible on the Reports screen.


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Map [postlink=22105]^[/postlink] Oh deary me, where to begin? Speed, efficiency and intuitiveness were the focus of the developmental effort that went into the following features. Before we start, we'd like to assure you that map loading and render times have actually been improved despite the number of changes. An example of this is that the short loading time required before taking you to a location you selected off the minimap has mostly been eliminated.

Context Menu! The first of the major changes to the map is the addition of a Context Menu. What? Click any village on the map to be presented with several options that were previously only available after clicking into and loading the Village Information screen.

Should you find the context menu not to your liking, there is an option to deactivate it.


Context Menu; clockwise from top: Claim, Player Profile, Message, Favourite, Send Resources, Send Troops.
Middle: Village Information.
Own villages: 'Write Message' is replaced by 'Village Overview'.
Uninhabited villages: 'Player Profile' and 'Write Message' are not displayed.
Some functions may be unavailable for non-premium players.

Dragging! Drag your way across the map or minimap. I really have very little to say here beyond that I desperately and hopelessly try to drag my way around whenever I find myself testing on an older version. After experiencing the map like this for the past few weeks, I personally will never want it any other way.

Sizing! We've doubled the previous size limit for the maps and are now offering 30x30, but that's not all! By dragging the right and bottom edges of the map you can create the size that suits you and your screen best - within the unprecedentedly large 30x30 limits. See below for an example of what this entails.


World Map! For those that want a strategic rather than a tactical overview of the situation in your region, be sure to try out the World Map feature. Clicking the link supplied under the minimap will give you a large-scale view of the world along with a few statistics about you and your tribe's world domination. Should you see something interesting, clicking on it will close the pop-up and bring your normal map to that location.

Mobile! Users taking advantage of the Tribal Wars pages that have been optimized for mobile devices will be pleased to hear that the map will now auto-size itself based on your screen. It will also rotate along with your device - assuming your device supports such things. Lastly and obviously, mobile players will also be able to scroll happily along with their finger on touch-based devices.

Marking! Individual villages - meaning including barbarians - can now be added to map highlight groups. That's not all! Highlight tribes on the map from their Tribe Information Page.

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Noble Planner [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Claims Filtering! Need a quick overview of your own claims? No problemo. Simply select 1 of the 4 possible viewing filters that have been added along the top of the Noble Planner claims list. Those of you only interested in the villages claimed specifically by your tribe or those claimed by your allies are also in luck. Viewing all is of course still possible - and when using it, a claiming player's tribe will be displayed beside their name.

Exporting! Select all, or bring special attention to a few specific claims to pass on information to someone you're working with outside the tribe with or view claims from your notebook with the new Claims Exporting feature.


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Notebook [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Novelists and organisational enthusiasts - rejoice. No longer will your scribbles be curbed by a single notebook page! Notebooks may now contain a maximum of 5 separate tabs, each of which can contain the same amount of information your original notebook could. In practise, this amounts to the addition of 4 extra notebooks. Happy doodling!


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Overviews [postlink=22105]^[/postlink] An improvement we made to all overviews is highlighting of both your current village as well as whichever row of information your mouse is hovering over. Read on for the big stuff!


row highlighting

Buildings Overview In version 6.5 we introduced the ability to upgrade buildings directly from the building overview. Building upon this success, for this update we've included the possibility to demolish buildings, cancel orders and rearrange your building queue as well, giving premium users functionality that rivals that of the Village Headquarters in their Buildings Overview.

Research Overview In 7.0 you'll now be able research units in a similar fashion to upgrading buildings from the overview. It is simple, effective and saves you a lot of time as a premium user.

We've made the system compatible with the three different types of research system available in the game (see below). On worlds using the simple research system you can simply click on the dot to begin the research and if you change your mind it can also be cancelled from the same page. On worlds using the 4 tech or 10 tech research system you can upgrade, downgrade and cancel research from the same overview.

Research systems:
Simple: A unit can only be researched once per village, which allows for its recruitment.
3 tech: Units can be researched up to level 3, with level 1 being required to train the unit. Researching the unit further improves its fighting power. Each village has 15 research slots that can be filled. Also called the 4-tech system. (0, 1, 2, 3)
10 tech: Same as above, but there is no research slot limit and units can be researched up to level 10.


researching from overview

Troops Overview Finding villages that can rebuild nobleman cheaply or have noblemen in production should now be quite a bit easier with the addition of a "+" sign on the Troops Overview that will present you with more information should you hover your mouse over it.
Rebuilding noblemen cheaply, what? On worlds that have this setting enabled, a nobleman lost during an offensive command on your part (when you attacked someone) can be rebuilt for quite a bit less from the village in which he was originally trained.

Group Overview Added a new column showing how many points a village has so that you can make more informed decisions about which group a certain village belongs in. Sorting based on points has also been included.

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Premium [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Account Manager! The Account Manager is a purchasable expansion pack for our current Premium system with a number of new features designed to ease the management of a large account by allowing for the partial automation of various tedious tasks. Your account must meet both a minimum amount of villages requirement (default: 20, may vary per world) and have regular premium activated for at least the amount of time you want to activate the Account Manager for. Activating can be done for either 14 or 30 days.

Attack Notifications! Need a few hours break? No problem. Nifty email notifications will be popped into your inbox about incoming attacks should someone get a sudden urge to expand at the cost of your villages while you are enjoying a quiet moment. Several customization options are available for the sending of said notifications.

Village Manager! Those that have the Account Manager activated on their accounts will be provided with the possibility to set up extensive building queues. Up to a certain number of desired building levels (default: 50) can be filled in on the Village Manager screen - the various Village Headquarters will then attempt to complete these orders one by one if and when enough resources are available.

Troop Manager! Similar to to the Construction Manager in function, the Recruitment Manager allows players to fill in a desired number of troops to recruit per village. These will then be recruited when the resource and farm space requirements are met - pausing when this is not the case.

Market Manager! Players will be able to set up a number (default: 50) of periodic resource transfers (Trade Routes) between villages in order to maximise their resource usage efficiency. The villages involved will of course need to have the required number of merchants available. If the requirements for a transfer are not met at the time it is meant to be sent, the transaction will be skipped until the next scheduled time.


Village Manager

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Recruitment [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Rearranging Queues! Given the success of rearranging construction queues in the Village Headquarters we have now also included a feature to rearrange unit recruitment queues in the Barracks, Stable and Workshop. You will not be charged an additional resource cost for doing so.

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Reports [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Mass Forwarding! Tribal Wars is all about team work, so sharing reports with team mates is a very important part of the game. While it's been possible to forward reports to friends for a while, 7.0 introduces a more streamlined approach where you no longer have to publish or go through a lot of trouble to send on reports.

You'll be able to select all the reports that you wish to forward, then click on "Forward" to move on to the report forwarding page. From there you can select a friend to send the reports to, as well as fill out a note if required explaining the reason for forwarding the reports.

To prevent spam, your friend will receive a notification of the forwarded reports via in-game mail. They'll be able to see the note you've typed, as well as a list of all the report titles, and will be able to decide whether they want to accept the forwarded reports or not.

Also! For those who bravely throw themselves into the line of fire for their tribemates time and again, 7.0 offers the option to sort the reports in your 'Defenses' category based on whether they happened in one of your villages or those of another.

In keeping with the trend of handy improvements, you will be provided with a 'Show All' checkbox when selecting the intel you wish to reveal while publicizing a report.


'defenses' filter

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Tribal Forums [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Administration We've looked into a few simple ways to ease the forum administration and moderation workload - one of these resulted in a mass post deletion possibility. Tick check-boxes next to your members' posts and confirm at the bottom to delete all marked items - without needing to reload the page for each individual post. The forum administrative panel has also improved with the addition of "click 'n drag" forum reorganization as a replacement for the current 'Up / Down' button system.

Poll-makers will have the option to include a 'close by' date after which new votes can no longer be added to allow for quick, conclusive polls. Later, when viewing the results, the choice you selected will be italicized as a reminder of what you voted for.

Improved Page Navigation! No more ridiculously long page listings as a result of having too much fun in a particular thread you say? Alrighty then! Individual page listings have been replaced with a strategic selection of certain pages as well as 'First' and 'Last' page buttons for your reading convenience.


rearranging forum order

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Tribe [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Tribal Wars! Wait weren't we playing that already?
A new tab has been added on the Tribe menu from which the leaders of the tribe can declare war on any other tribe. Bringers of war have at their disposal a number of customizable options on the War Declaration page, such as the war's Title and an input box in which they can fill in the url of external forum thread they created. Moving on - this isn't a change merely for the novelty of being able to "officially" (scoff) declare war - a number of handy statistics-tracking features have been included for your war-waging convenience.


ongoing wars

Tribal Events A number of new events will now be listed under the Tribal Events newsfeed. Among them - player deletion, diplomacy changes and war statuses.

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Units [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Militia! A new unit you may recognise from Grepolis has been added for use in the early stages of your empire. In the event of an attack, you can request your villagers take up arms to defend their home with a button inside your Farm building. This will however have the effect of reducing your mines' production (by 50%) for as long as your Militia is active (default: 6 hours). The number of Militia you can request is dependent on your farm level. As it currently stands you will receive 20 Militia for each farm level up to Farm 15, which gives you a maximum of 300 Militia.

The Militia can be configured in a variety of different ways with the tools that are at the disposal of the world planners. One of the things that can be fiddled with is at which point Militia becomes deactivated for a player, which can be done either by farm level or by number of villages.


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Village Notes [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

The village notes feature has been expanded to allow for you to add notes to any and all villages. Keep detailed notes on your enemy's supposed troop counts and building levels or add a quick reminder to your friend's village about when support needs to arrive - it's entirely up to you. Indicators of which villages have notes have been added to the map for your convenience. That's not all - notes on your own villages can now be viewed from your Combined and Production overviews.

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Website [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Hall of Fame! A Hall of Fame page has been drawn up for each world in turn. Each HoF contains some quick information about the top players, the top tribe and a sampling of the Milestones. Hall of Fames will be accessible at all times - including after a world has closed. In this way, the players and tribe that defeated all others will be honoured for the rest of TribalWars' history.


top 3 players

Milestones! As previously mentioned, Milestones are one of the features included in the Hall of Fame. Players and Tribes that reach certain pre-defined goals will have their name cemented for all to see.

Statistics! The Statistics Page for worlds has been expanded to show a large amount of new information. Additionally, the various world settings can now be found from this page.

Other! A warning has been included on the registration page for new players that have selected a world that just isn't really suited for newbies. Worlds marked as 'unsafe' will generally be those that have been running for a few months but have not yet been closed for joining.

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Worlds [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

World Size Variety! A great number of players have indicated to us that they'd like for some worlds to be over more quickly than after 3 years of playing, which seems to be about the current average. Our first step in that direction was the reduction of nobleman costs, the second, the introduction of End Game phases.

A new option available for those that decide the settings for new worlds is 'World Size', which governs the geographical size of worlds. World maps as small as 50 x 50 squares are now possible; 1000 x 1000 - the size of all current worlds - is the maximum.


Visible on minimap image above is a shot of the results on our Beta world where the world's size was temporarily
set to 50 x 50 during testing.

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Displayed Information [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Milliseconds! Given their usefulness for advanced users, milliseconds will be displayed on nearly every instance of arrival time shown in the game - see the Village Overview for example.

Incoming Support! The number of incoming support commands will now be shown next to the Incoming Attack icon for Premium players.


Request Support "Simple" Output! A 'reduced information' output option has been made available for use in conjunction with the Request Support feature that was introduced in Version 6.0. The new option shows only the most relevant data as opposed to the current 'full picture' perspective.

"Commandable Troops"! An option has been added to the map popup settings to show the troops that are native to the village separately so that you can see which troops in a village can be ordered from that village.

Moving On! Player name information has been attached to the information available about the village you are supporting that can be found under Overviews > Troops > Support. Also, coordinates have been added to the automatically generated Tag Tool output. The Tag Tool can be found by clicking 'show walking duration' on a command. And finally, haul information will be visible on the Commands Overview!

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Miscellaneous Optimizations [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

BB-Codes are now case-insensitive. This means that where [ b ] Bold [ / b] gave you Bold, [ B ] and [ / B ] will also. Without the spaces, that is. BB-Codes are now also available for use in the Tribal Welcome Message. In closing, you can now have up to 1000 BB-Code brackets in a forum post before you get told to take your enthusiasm down a notch.

Market The much-appreciated recalculation of recruitable troops after your numbers have been entered is a feature we have extended to the market now as well, where the maximum number of transferable resources will now automatically adjust itself based on the values you have already filled in.

Friends Add players as friends directly from their player profile!

Village List Pop-up The village list popup (see the button next to the village selection arrows) will now continue to show the group selection drop-down box regardless of how far down you scroll your many acquisitions, for the sake of easing mobility.

Academy The button that selected the maximum amount of coins that could be minted in your villages has been replaced with a drop-down box from which you can select a specific number of coins you would like filled out across all villages with mintable coins on the 'Mint Coins' page that can be found from inside academies.

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Graphics and Design [postlink=22105]^[/postlink]

Entire Game You've probably caught bits and pieces of the game's new look in the various images scattered about in this change-log. It can perhaps be best described as "fresher" and more distinct than the current design. You'll probably be able to recognise certain elements from the external forum theme.


Combat Pictures! Depending on the result of the battle, a number of different combat pictures will be displayed at the top of reports.


Unit Icons! New unit icons have been put in place for the Barracks, Stable, Workshop and Mass Recruitment screens.


Night time! Night graphics - already available on the graphical village overview - have been extended to apply to the map as well. Besides a general darkening of the environment, little lights can be seen coming out of inhabited villages' windows.

Settings Should you not find "Night vision", the new unit icons or combat reports to your liking, the option to revert them back to normal is available in your Settings menu. Also, a few 'settings' items have changed position both to increase usability and leave more space for future options to be added.

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