A History and Guide of Premium: Premium Exchange, Events, Secrets, Updates, Information, Assistance


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I've decided to make guides on .net server, so I'll release them here as well. Link to .net


Disclaimer: This post will reveal lots of unknown secrets about abusing premium with the market, events and other such ways that most of the TW community is not known to and will probably cause the game to adapt in terms of planned out premium whoring combating the use of in-game skills.

All information posted here is factual and if you have any future questions regarding premium/Legal (Not against rules) bug abuse in TW, feel free to contact sustephen123 via Skype

The premium trade is not what had killed the player-base, it's just that many of the players have grown up and moved to other games while the "Veterans" have played on and off and many have finally gave up one of their favorite past-times.

No Words to say besides disappointed

I, Steve have played Tribalwars for over 8 years, seen it's rise into an amazing game with a ingenious yet egotistical player-base which has thrived in the 2010-2014 era and has begun to gradually decline thereafter.

The premium trade has marked a change in Tribalwars which has promoted micro-transactions and the ability to buy your way through games... Which is not strategy, not skill, but just an additive to change to mindset of how to play.

This has resulted in players playing solely to premium farm and make a poorly constructed village dedicated to solely selling resources on the market, degrading play for noobs (Future of TW) and "pro" players alike... while the players who have time and knowledge of how the premium market works (Me and other players) continue to abuse the market early and then resell our resources to profit and still be ranked 1.

I know many people will come at me and tell me that I use the market so I shouldn't be hypocritical on this matter, but the premium exchange has become a staple for any early game player who wants to make it big without waiting for mid-game to wash away the true crappy premium whores.

The game has degraded into waiting for your friends or random players to drop resources on the market for week 1, and then waiting for the INSANELY OVERPOWERED AND ABUSABLE events which come about every 3 weeks.

It began with the market allowing players to directly sell resources/pp to each other

I remember on around world 72, the ability to sell resources for premium was a new idea and everyone freaked out. However, compared to today's ideology this was extremely balanced because it would require atleast one merchant from both sides (Limiting the amount of resources that could be spent) and making the player choose to create their market to high levels or focus a pits/troop combination.

This had also opened up other avenues with having players directly sabotage their growth efforts to strictly farm premium and have no other reason to play the world. This has led to loads of dead space and weak competition within the game which has brought many to quit.

Another side-effect of this had led to players abandoning their normal areas of growth and nobling to the rim to find new spawning premium whores to get better and closer market deals. This had actually set-up and unwanted business aspect to TW where you could have your own daily "market customers" and this game became more of a farming premium objective rather than playing to win.

Next came the events....

Events have come and gone throughout TW history and tribalwars had initially corrected their mistakes before fully ruining the game with these idiotic rewards.

The realization that some events could be abused came through the Tombola event in the dreadful winter of 2013. This was where people abused the warehouse to such a point where they had to reduce the warehouse items being received because they were so heavily abused to grow (Intelligent/Skilled players were even nobling Warehouse/Market 50% Villages due to the huge benefits received) allowing players to spend premium, grow extremely large, and even resell resources for premium to equalize their losses.

TW actually came to some sense here and limited the event, but the damage had been done on those worlds....

Other event items like Farm 10%, permanent barracks recruitment/stable recruitment 10% has caught the eyes of the less understanding players and has led the more strategic players to thrive... But this isn't how the game should be played. It is completely disheartening to see a Warehouse % item carry players past what they're capable of, allowing them to decimate potential new players who would never expect to increase their warehouse and compete with adversaries.

Then came the updated premium market

This new market starts the world with a spawn of 25,000 Wood | 25,000 Clay | 25,000 Iron in the premium exchange (Sorry everyone for ruining their method)

For the majority of you that didn't know... Yes, that's how like 4-8 people are so far ahead at the beginning of the world. I normally brush off this question, because the users who have done this have wanted to keep this small detail as secret as possible, as these resources normally disappear from the market within 2 minutes of world start as everyone massively buys them ASAP.

This new market has allowed TW to take a cut in the premium exchange:
Sell 66:1pp - Buy 64:1pp ---> This gives TW a 3% cut on all premium purchases and has allowed Tribalwars to profit from the sales between players.

Tribalwars also drops an equivalent of about 15% of the market capacity of each resource in the premium exchange every 2-4 hours to make extra profit from the premium exchange. This allows TW to profit even more while allowing the premium whores (skilled or unskilled) to flourish and decimate any new player who is unaware of these facts.

This isn't really the main issue.... The main issue is that using the premium exchange to purchase resources costs absolutely no merchants, unlike the original market setting which made the player expend merchants to buy these resources. This can allow a player to use as many resources as made available on the premium market with no delay besides the 1 hour trade time (1 speed worlds).

This makes for a quick and efficient premium whoring strategy which has gotten me to 100 Light Cavalry every world I've played on day 2... While skilled and newbie players alike struggle on the insane hordes of spiked villages and end up barely being able to research LC on day 3 if they're remotely lucky.


Well now that you've read through all of this text, I'd like to enlighten you with the events and some math to show how broken this game has become, and how YOU could become a top tribalwars player if you take the time to farm ~10,000-30,000 premium on any new world by using the premium exchange


The first thing I'd like to discuss HERE are the new events. These new events have loads of juicy items.

Here's some of them:
Sigil of Distress

Axe Booster
Sword Booster
Raid Booster
Defense Booster
Attack Booster
Barracks Booster
Resource package
Forced Progress
Flag Booster
Heavy Cavalry Booster
Noble Decree
Solid Bricks
War Effort
War Chest
Growing Crops

It has become controversial among tribes and players what the best items are...
I will reveal to you what is the best...

Growing Crops, War Chest, War Effort is the top pick among everyone I surveyed for this new event, how unfortunate how in the dark you poor souls are.

You will NOT buy any of those items if you wish to compete with the top players

I cannot stress this enough
I cannot stress this enough
I cannot stress this enough
I cannot stress this enough
I cannot stress this enough

There are only 3 items which you'll ever need to purchase from a trophy/cash-out event

(A cash-out event is an event which you do thing to earn gems, trophies, or "points" to purchase items at the end of the event. The noble fair is an example of a random item based event)

These 3 items:
Resource package
Flag Booster (Royal streamer in some instances)

Noble Decree

You may ask "Why these items?" ... "They aren't permanent, Growing crops and 10% recruitment will help more in the long run" ... "War chest is obviously the best because of so many coins" ... "Why not privilege for early game nobles?"

These items are your 1-way ticket towards top 10 on the rankings... If you were to solely follow this strategy without farming, or doing anything to grow yourself besides building warehouse to level 30.... you'd be top 10 (Unless everyone else in the world follows my strategy of course)

Mathematics Lesson:

In this currently poorly planned event where TW couldn't even do math for the 20%/30% resources packages (1,140 Trophies:2,500 trophies), the price of warehouse items is insanely reasonable.

20% Warehouse package (Optimal) = 1,140 Trophies
Flag Booster = 830 Trophies
Noble Decree = 1,330 Trophies
Growing Crops (10% farm permanent) = 4,000 Trophies

War Chest = 2,930 Trophies
Solid Bricks --> No, Please... NO
War Effort --> Don't be an idiot

Privilege --> Don't be an idiot, check the math

Each example will have a budget of 21,000 trophies (You can acquire this # of trophies easily by spending about 2,000-2,500 premium throughout entire event over 15 days --> Not a lot by today's standards)

These examples are NOT the most efficient build paths.... Efficiency will be discussed later on

Example #1: World 94 (1 Village)

20% Warehouse Package * 14 = 300% Warehouse --> Cost = 17,100 Trophies

Noble Decree * 2 = 2 Noble Decrees (48 Hours of 10% off coins) --> Cost = 2,660 Trophies

Flag Booster * 1 = 1 Flag Booster (48 Hours of double flag COIN) --> Cost = 830 Trophies

20,690 Trophies Spent

Once you have your level 30 warehouse, spend the 300% Warehouse in short bursts (As to prevent overflow) while activating coin flag (Light Blue -22%), flag booster (-44%) and then noble decree (-54%)

Cost Per Coin
12,880 Wood | 13,800 Clay | 11,500 Clay

With 300% Warehouse, you will receive 1,200,000 of each resource.

We'll divide by clay and use this as the standard amount as to not go into more complex math with subtracting and resubmitting leftover wood/iron into coins (Let's pretend you spend them on troops)

1,200,000 / 13,800 = 87 Coins (Yea... You're not gonna use 8 War Chests)

87 Coins is equivalent to:
1 (1), 2 (3), 3 (6), 4 (10), 5 (15), 6 (21), 7 (28), 8 (36), 9 (45), 10 (55), 11 (66), 12 (78), 13 (91) About 12 Nobles

This is a very inefficient method as well as 1 village will not provide amazing results.... But yea, it beats any other idiotic plan you had. If anything, the Growing crops would be most effective on this example, but I really think you'd prefer 12 nobles (3 trains) at the very beginning of the world rather than a 5 possible options to make stronger nukes.

Example #2 World 94 (5 Villages)

20% Warehouse Package * 14 = 300% Warehouse --> Cost = 17,100 Trophies

Noble Decree * 2 = 2 Noble Decrees (48 Hours of 10% off coins) --> Cost = 2,660 Trophies

Flag Booster * 1 = 1 Flag Booster (48 Hours of double flag COIN) --> Cost = 830 Trophies

20,690 Trophies Spent

With 300% Warehouse, you will receive 6,000,000 of each resource.

Cost Per Coin
12,880 Wood | 13,800 Clay | 11,500 Clay

We'll divide by clay and use this as the standard amount as to not go into more complex math with subtracting and resubmitting leftover wood/iron into coins (Let's pretend you spend them on troops)

1,200,000 / 13,800 = 435 Coins

435 coins is equivalent to: ,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 (421) ---> 23 Nobles

You have just received 6 noble trains... You can make a train in each village and then replenish them with the extra 3 nobles you have left over.... Nobody can outfarm that, nobody can "Outskill" that... Nobody can stand in your way unless you just play like a complete moron.

Example #3: World 93 (20 Villages)

At this time, you'll start getting giddy... It's awesome getting a mass influx of coins around this time, because you really get bored of farming, you've been losing your nukes in OP's and questioning whether you're gonna quit the game if everyone else is passing you.

So... Let's do this :)

20% Warehouse Package * 14 = 300% Warehouse --> Cost = 17,100 Trophies

Noble Decree * 2 = 2 Noble Decrees (48 Hours of 10% off coins) --> Cost = 2,660 Trophies

Flag Booster * 1 = 1 Flag Booster (48 Hours of double flag COIN) --> Cost = 830 Trophies

20,690 Trophies Spent

Once you have your level 30 warehouse, spend the 300% Warehouse in short bursts (As to prevent overflow) while activating coin flag (Light Blue -22%), flag booster (-44%) and then noble decree (-54%)

Cost Per Coin
12,880 Wood | 13,800 Clay | 11,500 Clay

With 300% Warehouse, you will receive 24,000,000 of each resource.

We'll divide by clay and use this as the standard amount as to not go into more complex math with subtracting and resubmitting leftover wood/iron into coins (Let's pretend you spend them on troops)

Right now on world 93, NatureInside is leading farming with ~8,000,000 Resources per day, which is going into village production and troop growth, and coins on off times. Our method is equivalent to 9 days of the best farming on world 93....

Currently, NatureInside has the most villages on world 93 (39). At maximum production (2400/hr *20%) --> 2880 of each resource, he would produce 2695680 of each resource per day. Our method is still equivalent to about 9 days of the best resource production on world 93... And these resources aren't going into a coin budget with 56% decreased coin costs...

24,000,000 / 13,800 = 1,739 Coins

1739 coins is equivalent to 20->62 nobles costs 1743 coins... so you'd get 43 nobles

That's 10 noble trains to do whatever you want...
---You can barb noble the clusters that your leader told you would get you dismissed, and then you could turtle and take on the world!
---You could use nobles as fake trains at this point to fake out the enemy...
---You could use them effectively, achieve rank 1, and then mock your friends who didn't take advantage of this stupid event.

Example #4: World 90 (500 Villages)

Well, at this point you may just give up on trying to send resources from all your villages to one centralized location, but lets keep the math the same so that there's no discrepancies... If you really are efficient, you could just request resources from all villages to 1 centralized village and monitor it so you don't hit the red 400,000 x3 mark in your warehouse, but ya never know.

20% Warehouse Package * 14 = 300% Warehouse --> Cost = 17,100 Trophies

Noble Decree * 2 = 2 Noble Decrees (48 Hours of 10% off coins) --> Cost = 2,660 Trophies

Flag Booster * 1 = 1 Flag Booster (48 Hours of double flag COIN) --> Cost = 830 Trophies

20,690 Trophies Spent

Once you have your level 30 warehouse, spend the 300% Warehouse in short bursts (As to prevent overflow) while activating coin flag (Light Blue -22%), flag booster (-44%) and then noble decree (-54%)

Cost Per Coin
12,880 Wood | 13,800 Clay | 11,500 Clay

With 300% Warehouse, you will receive 600,000,000 of each resource. Ever play RuneScape and hit that 1B cash stack? Well, you have 1.8B right here in tribalwars resources lol...

We'll divide by clay and use this as the standard amount as to not go into more complex math with subtracting and resubmitting leftover wood/iron into coins (Let's pretend you spend them on troops)

600,000,000 / 13,800 = 43,478 Coins

We'll use 550 as a median for coins in this scenario, so if you multiply 550*79, you'll get 43,450 coins.... Meaning you'll get 79 nobles

We can see that the exponential bell curve in nobles begins to drop, but 20 noble trains is still pretty epic and makes for a good OP to help secure those frontline villages.

I believe that people on world 90 won't be using this method as heavily as those on the newer worlds, but this is my PLEAD to show tribalwars to get rid of the warehouse % item and these shitty events...


As for a maximum efficiency strategy, I suggest that (If this event were ever to happen in the future), you train every 2 hours, and use competes wisely.

In this example, we will be spending around 16,000 premium.I know most of you don't have 16,000 premium, but 25,000 is the optimal amount to pp farm on a given world and some can be spent on the market, PA, FA, account manager, and will give you a HUGE boost over the competition.

Training: 20
Compete 1: Free
Compete 2: 50
Compete 3: 125
Compete 4: 200
Compete 5: 275
Compete 6: 350
Compete 7: 425

Throughout the 15 days, at 12 trainings per day (up till middle of day 3, where you'll receive the maximum of 300 trophies) you'll spend 20*12*2.5*3 Premium (20 premium, 12 train/day, 2 days, 3 sub-events)

1800 Premium

At the end of compete cycle 1 (12 hours), you should receive around 125 trophies, at 2 competes it will cost you 50 premium --> Output 250 Trophies

At the end of compete cycle 2 (24 hours), you should receive around 175 trophies, at 3 competes it will cost you 175 premium --> Output 525 Trophies + 200 Trophies (Assumed rank 2)

At the end of compete cycle 3 (36 hours), you should receive around 200 trophies, at 3 competes it will cost you 175 premium --> Output 600 Trophies

At the end of compete cycle 4 (48 hours, you should receive around 250 trophies, at 4 competes it will cost you 375 premium --> Output 1000 trophies + 200 Trophies (Assumed rank 2)

At the end of compete cycle 5 (60 hours, you should receive around 300 trophies, at 5 competes it will cost you 650 premium --> Output 1500 trophies

At the end of compete cycle 6 (72 hours, you should receive around 300 trophies, at 5 competes it will cost you 650 premium --> Output 1500 trophies + 200 Trophies (Assumed rank 2)

At the end of compete cycle 7 (84 hours, you should receive around 300 trophies, at 5 competes it will cost you 650 premium --> Output 1500 trophies

At the end of compete cycle 8 (96 hours, you should receive around 300 trophies, at 5 competes it will cost you 650 premium --> Output 1500 trophies + 200 Trophies (Assumed rank 2)

At the end of compete cycle 9 (108 hours, you should receive around 300 trophies, at 5 competes it will cost you 650 premium --> Output 1500 trophies

At the end of compete cycle 10 (120 hours, you should receive around 300 trophies, at 5 competes it will cost you 650 premium --> Output 1500 trophies + 200 Trophies (Assumed rank 2)

Total Input: 4675 * 3 + 1400 = 15825 premium

Total Output: 12375 * 3 = 37,125 Trophies

This is equal to

3 Flag Boosters: 830 * 3 = 2,490
3 Noble decrees: 1330 * 3 = 3,990
27 20% Warehouse Consumables: 1140 * 27 = 30780

540% Warehouse Consumables***

Now to spend it on a new world, I would suggest (Totally personal):

Use 200%, Flag Booster, Noble Decree at 5 villages (290 Coins at 5 villages ---> 6-24 ---> 19 nobles)

Use 200%, Flag Booster, Noble Decree at 20 villages (1160 coins at 20 villages ---> 21-52 ---> 32 nobles)

Use 140%, Flag Booster, Noble Decree at 40 villages (1623 coins at 40 villages ---> 41-69 ---> 19 nobles)

These numbers may have large overlap, but they will get you extremely far and give you an efficient growth rate :)


The new offer from TW which allowed users to purchase UNLIMITED 80$ premium packages and receive infinite amounts of 8000 trophies due to your budget was possibly the most game-breaking offer in the existence of TW as it gave players literally 7 20% Resource Packages (8000/1140) per purchase.... I am really disappointed as I know several players who've purchased 2+ of these and are ready to destroy the newer worlds :(

I'm sure Tribalwars made a TON of money, but Innogames... Is it all worth it?

Here's an example of what we've been doing on the Tribalwars.us World 29 server with our resource consumables



Farming Means Nothing.....


Blowguner has used 300% in warehouse consumables... Which has also allowed him to sell resources on the market, make ALL of his premium back, and spend even more into the event.... (He'll have 400% more while breaking even)

One more note:

Daily bonus MUST be changed as you receive an average of ~35% in Warehouse consumable EVERY 10 days... Which kills the game because it allows everyone who's adept enough to max their warehouse to build warehouse to max, grow insanely fast, and outpace any clueless new player :(....

Most important takeaway:

Making new players join and continue to play consists of teaching them, giving them a fair chance, and making the game easy to understand.... Now that the warehouse is the new TW meta, what new player is going to learn to farm... Build troops... build their warehouse to max... manipulate events... and then use their warehouse to maximize or atleast work efficiency?

Since I've played for 8+ years, of course I'm able to figure these niches out and abuse the game, but most players who've played a long time don't even know this....


Tribalwars' future relies upon new players joining... Who is going to join a game which is basically impossible to understand with all of these new meta strategies to perform extremely fast growth and even break even with your premium points. Put some thought into the events... Thank you

I hope you've all enjoyed what I have to say. If this post gets deleted due to who I am... So be it.... I never wanted to be banned, and I tried to make up for what I've done.

For TW Mods/Admins: I really suggest you allow this to stay up, because if it is taken down... The new players in the game will never understand most of the important concepts of the game and will only fall further from grace when it comes to learning how to play TW.

As for the future, depending on everyone's feedback, I'm happy to release game-breaking discoveries on events, in-game bugs, occurrences, guides that can seriously impact game-play strategy.

My goal was to maintain being the rank 1 farmer on every world I've played, but now seeing that Tribalwars has introduced these new updates, farming in the long run is becoming much more meaningless with these new features which now replaces in-game skill with a more intelligence quotient type skill of planning and strategizing.

I hope I will get unbanned soon, but like I told Morthy/Jirki, I will refrain from playing on .net servers as there's no point in playing as my personality would always make people recognize me and result in another heartbreaking ban.



New Member
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Dude. You clearly have a passion for this game, and the time you invest into these guides, is staggeringly insane. The fruitless efforts are selfless, and highly beneficial to those wishing to know more about the subtle nuances that catapult players to the forefront of the rankings allowing gross advantages to be gained.
I dont care what ANYONE says about you. Youre a true TW fan / player / God.
Hats off, bud. Nicely done.
