Additional Loot Assistant filters...


It would be nice to have more filters for the loot assistant. Maybe add one for the village wall level, and the other for villages with pending attacks.

1) How about a filter that would allow us to ONLY see villages with a minimum wall level? You could have it work like the existing check-off boxes, at the top of that screen. But instead of a check-off box it would have a number that could be changed by the player. You could put a drop-box in place of a check-off box. When you click on it, it would open to show a choice of wall levels, from zero to twenty (default of zero). Then each time a player changes that number, to their desired wall level, the list resets to display villages that ONLY have that wall level or higher.

2) Right now there is an :att: that shows up to the left side of each village that already has a pending attack. I would like to have another check box feature added at the top of that screen. When checked, the list would change to ONLY show villages with NO pending attacks.


2: uncheck "Include reports from villages you are currently attacking."