"welcome to k45"
it is really nice that you do not have anything to talk about but myself or my awesome team =D
your news room sucks for one simple reason - you are not being objective. you seen yourself part of my troops that come back late for support to skinny village, it was 350 spears i think, not a lot but still ... you do not have to trust me but i have more D supporting north and elsewhere.
You call me point whore, but why don't you bring my ODA #9 to the talk when trashing me? my rank is 12 and ODA is 9, I think it is good and speak some kind of volume.... Yes, i suicided leftovers of nuke that i have for multiple reasons but when you trashing someone at least try to discuss all side of the story... plus when u personally know that that i have for sure more troops that just that nuke...
I guess i expected more of constructive talk and more love from you, after all i am glad not to pay attention to you cause you are troll and do not really have any meaningful to say, I am glad see forum activity going up! good job and cheers)
absolutely love the spot light, thank you for constantly talking about myself and my team =D
lol, are you going to invite all of DT into your tribe? or only half?
apparently I am about to give up duking and dissmiss DT?
Name the 4 or we're not believing, smells like bulls*** to me! You've already said you'd not recruit them so you should have no issue naming them.
If I spent as much time mailing your tribe as you do ours I could name 4 of your tribemates with some gripe. Do you think you maybe spend a little too much time in the inbox?
Oh, you are a basher. Are you guys now $upporting/attacking even on externals?Name the 4 or we're not believing, smells like bulls*** to me! You've already said you'd not recruit them so you should have no issue naming them.
If I spent as much time mailing your tribe as you do ours I could name 4 of your tribemates with some gripe. Do you think you maybe spend a little too much time in the inbox?
please be quiet, you do not know what respect is... you have to do little bit of growing up to do and maybe then you will discover itLooool))
Dream team with the support accounts.
Looovveee, official, I lost my respect for your tribe, and for real mate.
That is just... outrageous...
You have best in team on paper, and you need support accounts and bashers.