ok back to my question about political ideologies...can i post a picture of swastika?
If someone has and persons name in their profile, that is an profanity in a nother language, is it allowed? (yes im talking about Olivia what it means in Estonian)
Swastika means peace and freedom so you should be able to.
Olivia munn is an American actor.
This is obviously in reference to the external forum, but if I saw a Swastika posted as a pic in game, it would be removed and the player punished for it. A swastika may have an alternate meaning of peace, but the most commonly accepted meaning of the symbol is far from it.
How about some common sense. It seems people are looking for any and all loopholes to find a way to post something that in the spirit of the rules, shouldnt be. What possible purpose would someone want to post a pic of a swastika with the exception of trying to incite an angry discussion?