Battle for world 73, who to join?

Jade Jake

New Member
Reaction score
Hi world 73 players!

It seems world 73 right now features one main political split.

MONKE and allies versus the allied tribes who want to oppose MONKE for control of the world.

I wanted to start a thread for discussing this political split and also to help people wanting to join either side of what is likely the war that will decide the world.

Perhaps we could discuss which of the major tribes stand on either side of the battle, and help point interested players towards the right tribe for them on their preferred side of the war.

I thought it would help organize the diplomatic scene in the world and also create an organized opportunity for people to find a tribe that fits their size and diplomatic preference (pro-MONKEYS or anti-MONKEYS, essentially).

Thanks for discussing and thank you tribe leaders for using the thread to help pull new recruits in an organized way towards a mighty final battle!

Jade Jake, TG tribe.