The world started on october 12th,shadow was already made by Sweeney in pre-reg phase.
I know this is what C* and Daleks also try to do.I never said I liked the tactic sweeney used on world 26 and I hope he won't be using it again here.I like to win in war or lose in war,not win with a merge.But what Shadow did in world 26 was 1 alliance with Decept and a nap with Anon at one point.C* already made and cancelled a few alliances.They have 3 tribes in their family of tribes+ the other allies/naps.This is hugging.And even so,C* won't win the world.Maximusss will soon reveal his character like he did in world 25.Cheater or not,he is...not a very nice person to say the least.I mean really,asking people to clear for him.He already nobled 2 villages both 1k+ and he has a total oda of 3.5k with 1k that he already had before nobling.I wonder if anyone cleared for him or if the guys he nobled just gifted their villages.I don't exclude the fact that those could've been his own accounts

although I can't say I have any proof for it,so let's consider they're not.
C* would be among the top 3 hugging tribes in the history of .us imo.At least on the worlds I played.