

1. Your in game name
2. Which worlds you play
3. How long you have been playing
4. A little bit about yourself (as much as you feel comfortable sharing)
5. Anything else you would like!

1. Dannyh53
2, I dont play any us worlds yet, but im hoping i can find someone i can co-play with.
3. ive been playing tribalwars for arround 6/7 years, on the Dutch servers/version of Tribalwars, but ive seen all of that already so i decided to try .us :cool:.
4. My name is Danny 16 years old and i live in Drenthe, A province of holland, my hobby's are playing tribalwars, Call of Duty and Going out :cool:
5. Id like to Join someone on his/her account, on an interesting world and help them conquer the world :)