I do have to say here that no there wasnt any tension at first until you came from k44 to k54 and started spreading to our area. I mailed you to stop and kenny started saying it was his area. moloco was born in k44 so that was his area. I did warn you in a friendly way. I was happy for you to stay there but when you insisted that you could do what you wanted that is when my back got put up so we have decided that we no longer wish you to be there.
I know kenny has since apologized which was accepted but by then the damage was done. I am afraid EGO in this world brought the wall down on themselves
How do i know that i noble towards the wrong direction if you tell me after i nobled the village?
You seem to be pretty sure about me getting rimmed, i hope you have seen the reports...
I can give you the main one:
I guess everyone knows what happened to the other 3.
And Jilixi if you read this: you left the chat before i finished writing: i'm sorry you lost your nuke, but i had no other choice, hope to talk to you later