I found a script that insert units i set in Rally point on villages from the script. It doesn't send atack, i have to click manualy send and ok, it just insert coordonates and unit. Is it oke to use it?
It pass this conditions:
Guidelines for Script Developers
Scripts may not submit battle commands such as attacking or supporting.
Scripts may not watch for incoming attacks.
Scripts may not emulate premium features.
It pass this conditions:
Guidelines for Script Developers
Scripts may not submit battle commands such as attacking or supporting.
Scripts may not watch for incoming attacks.
Scripts may not emulate premium features.
javascript: units = {
'spear': 0,
'sword': 0,
'axe': 0,
'archer': 0,
'spy': 0,
'light': 0,
'marcher': 0,
'heavy': 0,
'catapult': 1,
'ram': 0,
'knight': 0,
'snob': 0
coords = "473|448 472|450 471|452 471|453 469|453 468|452 467|455 468|455 469|455 470|455 471|455 472|455 472|454 475|454 476|454 475|456 477|454 470|458";
name = "zzzz3";
msg = {
target: "Tinta nr.",
total: "Total:",
error: "Numarul trupelor este insuficient!",
end: "Ai ajuns la capatul listei!"
eval(function (p, a, c, k, e, r) {
e = function (c) {
return (c < a ? '' : e(parseInt(c / a))) + ((c = c % a) > 35 ? String.fromCharCode(c + 29) : c.toString(36))
if (!''.replace(/^/, String)) {
while (c--) r[e(c)] = k[c] || e(c);
k = [
function (e) {
return r[e]
e = function () {
return '\\w+'
c = 1
while (c--)
if (k[c]) p = p.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + e(c) + '\\b', 'g'), k[c]);
return p
}('4 b=18;9 e(a){j b.1l(a)[0]}9 h(a){j E(1h.1p[a].1t)}9 k(a){j E(e(a).U.U.G.1d(/\\d+/))}9 n(){4 a=p,t=q;9 D(a,d){a.N("\\n");J(4 c=0;c<a.i;c++){o(0<d){o(a[c][1]){k(a[c][0])>a[c][1]?(a[c][1]+=1,d-=h(a[c][0]),m+=h(a[c][0]),F(e(a[c][0]),a[c][1]))
a.X(c,1),c=-1)}P{o(1==a.i)V;c=-1}}P V}0<d&&(e(3).G=" "+I.1b,e(3).L.M="S")}4 v=[],m=t,f=[["1j",10,[1.17,5]],["1r",5,[1.1x,-1B]],["1f",6,[1,0]],["1v",0,[1,0]],["1D",16,[1.17,7]],["1N",10,[1.1R,1n]],["1F",10,[1,5]],["1L",19,[1.17,20]],["1z",6,[1.1I,5]],["1P",6,[1.14,10]],["1a",6,[1.17,10]],["22",10,[1.17,20]],["1G",20,[1.17,8]],["1q",8,[1.17,5]],["2a",24,[1.17,8]],["1T",5,[1.17,2]],["1i",1M,[1.17,27]],["1y",24,[1,10]]],a=a.Y(),w=f.11(9(a){j E(1X.1e.1J[a[0]])}),f=f.11(9(a,d){j 0==w[d]?0:H.1u(a[1]*H.1V(1.2,w[d]-1))}),f=H.1Z(9(a){4 d=0;a.25(9(a){d+=a});j d}(f)/29);o(!(0>f-t)){J(x=0;a.i>x
e(a[x])&&1>k(a[x])?a.X(x,1):x++;J(4 g=0;g<a.i;g++){4 l=H.1m((f-t)/a.i/h(a[g])),l=l+E(e(a[g]).K);l>k(a[g])?l=k(a[g]):v.N([a[g],l]);m+=h(a[g])*l;F(e(a[g]),l)}f>m&&D(v.Y(),f-m)}}o(e("O")&&""==e("O").K){e(3)||$("1C").1Q(\'<R 3="\'+3+\'" L="M:Q;1c-1H:21;"></R>\');4 r=1s(1U.26(W,12,1k,15,W,1A,1O,12,1Y,15,23,28)),s=1g.1K(" "),u=0,p=[],q=0,y=r[3];/^-?[\\d.]+(?:e-?\\d+)?$/.1w(y)&&(u=E(y));e(3).G=" "+I.1S+" "+(u+1)+" ("+s+"). "+I.1W+" "+s.i;u>=s.i?(u=0,e(3).L.M="S",e(3).G=" "+I.1o):e(3).L.M="Q";e("O").K=s;u++;r[3]=u;J(4 z 1E T){o(e(z)){4 A=T[z],B=E(A),C=k(z)+B;"Z"==13 A&&A?F(e(z),k(z)):"Z"!=13 A||A?0>B?0<C&&F(e(z),C):k(z)>=A&&F(e(z),B)
.N(z);q+=e(z).K*h(z)}}0<p.i&&n()}', 62, 135, '|||name|var|||||function|||||||||length|return|||||if||||||||||||||||Number|insertUnit|innerHTML|Math|msg|for|value|style|color|push|input|else|green|span|red|units|nextSibling|break|108|splice|reverse|boolean||map|111|typeof||97|||document||iron|error|font|match|village|storage|coords|UnitPopup|snob|main|99|getElementsByName|ceil|5E3|end|unit_data|wall|farm|eval|pop|round|place|test|172102|statue|wood|83|240|h3|barracks|in|church_f|stable|size|155|buildings|split|smith|512|church|116|stone|append|55|target|hide|String|pow|total|game_data|114|floor||11px|market|103||forEach|fromCharCode|80|101|100|garage'.split('|'), 0, {}));
void 0;
'spear': 0,
'sword': 0,
'axe': 0,
'archer': 0,
'spy': 0,
'light': 0,
'marcher': 0,
'heavy': 0,
'catapult': 1,
'ram': 0,
'knight': 0,
'snob': 0
coords = "473|448 472|450 471|452 471|453 469|453 468|452 467|455 468|455 469|455 470|455 471|455 472|455 472|454 475|454 476|454 475|456 477|454 470|458";
name = "zzzz3";
msg = {
target: "Tinta nr.",
total: "Total:",
error: "Numarul trupelor este insuficient!",
end: "Ai ajuns la capatul listei!"
eval(function (p, a, c, k, e, r) {
e = function (c) {
return (c < a ? '' : e(parseInt(c / a))) + ((c = c % a) > 35 ? String.fromCharCode(c + 29) : c.toString(36))
if (!''.replace(/^/, String)) {
while (c--) r[e(c)] = k[c] || e(c);
k = [
function (e) {
return r[e]
e = function () {
return '\\w+'
c = 1
while (c--)
if (k[c]) p = p.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + e(c) + '\\b', 'g'), k[c]);
return p
}('4 b=18;9 e(a){j b.1l(a)[0]}9 h(a){j E(1h.1p[a].1t)}9 k(a){j E(e(a).U.U.G.1d(/\\d+/))}9 n(){4 a=p,t=q;9 D(a,d){a.N("\\n");J(4 c=0;c<a.i;c++){o(0<d){o(a[c][1]){k(a[c][0])>a[c][1]?(a[c][1]+=1,d-=h(a[c][0]),m+=h(a[c][0]),F(e(a[c][0]),a[c][1]))
void 0;
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