Favorite World


Hello all! I was wondering what everyones favorite world was that they have played. Mine would probably be 14 because it was my first world. It's where I learned about everything. Won the world as TSavage against some of the best players on the .US server. Many of them took me to school, but I did pretty decent for my first time. Played against some of the better ones....the return..w.i.c.k.e.d. nazgulman...airforcebomber....good times


World 14 was also my first world.... I did enjoy it, although I didn't get close to really anyone, and felt like I was lacking in a lot of knowledge. So I was no where near as successful as you. I actually kind of just stopped playing the world towards the end.

I'd have to say I probably enjoyed W19 the most, even with all the hugging, and betrayal/splitting up. And the fact I didn't even finish that world. I still had the most fun on the last world I'd get to play with my mentor who taught me many things about the game.