Fowreye / szfz33


Well hello everyone, in order to freshen up this forum a bit, let me start with introducing myself.

1. "In-game name?"

Currently, I am playing under alias Fowreye (original username: szfz33). My co-players' nickname is ntoombs19.

2. "Which worlds do you play?"

I am playing only us9, of which I've heard from Nauzhror. I joined his premade tribe, Pandas, along with other (awesome, if I may add) people.

3. "How long you have been playing?"

A long, long time... First time I ever played TW was actually World 1 on .net. I was a biggest newb ever, I was sending attacks consisting of 1 spear to nearby villages, losing them, having a laugh, irritating the person that introduced me to TW. :)
First world where I actually knew what I was doing was w39 on .net. One of the best and most interesting worlds I've ever played... One of the reasons was the fact that it accommodated many of the TW's best players and leaders ever.

4. "A little bit about yourself?"

My name is Dejan, I am a 21 years old IT (Information Technologies) student, from Serbia. I finished Computer Electrotechnics high school.. My hobbies besides TW are Programming (C++, C#) - which I also study, and Sigmaking (Photoshop, GIMP). As in RL, I love walks. I don't want it to sound cliche, but that's RARE stuff nowadays. I just came back from a walk with my best friend, and we saw 0 people outside.. (I live in a village, though) I'm in a long-time relationship now and I'm really happy about it.

If anyone wants, feel free to add me on skype. :)

There, I started it. Who's next?


Welcome and thanks for being first to break the ice in this forum. :)


1. Your in game name... Lordbarajas my co-player calls themself Angel...
2. Which worlds you play... US World 7 and US World9
3. How long you have been playing... A couple years...
4. A little bit about yourself... I am 32... I live in Wyoming Michigan... I work in printing...
5. Anything else you would like!... I dont sleep much...


Such lovely formatting. Anyway, I hope you'll stay for awhile again, Dejan. :)