From a noobees viewpoint


Hello. I am enjoying this game after having played many other internet games and eventually losing interest. The basic aspects of the game are fine and work without bugs. Personally I would like to have a few changes made.
1. Attacks should not last a millisecond. The attack forces should be constrained to stay on site for at least a few minutes and additional support troops could also arrive. The village being attacked should be able to counter-attack with troops that are out of the village.
2. There should be a place (virtual) to which village troops can be sent that is close temporarily. These forces should be able to counterattack as a whole or in types with quantity specified. They may be safe from damage only if the attacker specifies to attack them first.
3. There should be a 'staging' (virtual) location just minutes away from the village that may be used by the attacker. Forces first arrive there and may wait half an hour before attacking.
4. There are other small things but these I consider major.


My personal opinion, at least for number 2 and 3, is that the game allows defense to have a certain advantage, which makes sense since people can't be online all the time to defend their villages, so things such as stacking help to counter this.

Specifically, number 2 sounds almost like dodging and sniping, but gives the defense a greater advantage? I guess, but sending troops out of the village to return and attack the other troops seems to logically create a disadvantage in a way. If you send your troops out of the lose the protection the wall gives you...and your troops are even more vulnerable.

For number 3, that would completely reduce the usefulness of stacking, and would make timing much easier for attackers. Thus, further decreasing a defender's ability to defend, since nukes could, in effect, consist of several villages and have a much more devastating attack force.

The first is an interesting idea. It is a possibility I guess, but that makes sniping easier. And how would this even be implemented into the game's mechanics? It's pretty complicated, and the usefulness of it isn't very broad. Sniping. And if it only lasts a few minutes, that creates a huge window of opportunity to do so, making timing easy, but it would have to be thought out before hand, or very very close-range.

These are good ideas, but I don't see implementing them into the game being an easy transition. It just seems like it pushes the scale too far in one direction or another, and it would completely change people's style of play...

I don't know, just the thoughts of another "noobee"