Guide: How to become a relatively hated person


How to become a relatively hated person

Okay, so I've gotten myself a bit of an overview over the .us-forum, and I feel that it is one very important thing that everyone (except the Norwegians) lacks. Being relatively hated persons. It's super important to have relatively hated persons on tribal wars forums. In this way, everything becomes more fun and interesting. Especially if the good guy rages at the hated persons, which is well.. Not unlikely...

And by the way, on of our beloved moderators decided to define my guide as a not legitimate guide, and therefore I had to put it here, and not in the Guides and Strategies-forum. The moderator also took away the swear-word I used in the first place. It is now been replaced with "Relatively hated person".

So, I have written down a few points which I personally think you need to fulfill if you want to be a brilliant relatively hated person (which I'm sure every one of you wants).

  • An important thing, which you should always carry with you in your heart, is that you are the best, even if you loose. Don't let any good guys win an argument of who's the best by saying "But I nobled you." Just tell them that you didn't try, or that you had an account-sitter which did a bad job. Anything but admitting that anyone is a better player than you

  • If someone has a waaaay better argument than you, it's important that you remember one thing; bring their former mistakes up to the surface, so they get out of balance.

  • Pretend that you don't understand what the one you're talking to means, even if it's perfectly clear what he or she means. This will cause irritation and eventually rage.

I don't come up with more points right now, but I'll make sure too keep this list updated. And if you have some suggestions on other things that can make you a relatively hated person, please, feel free to post the suggestions as a response under.

Have a nice day.
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Your first point comes over as relatively racist to be fair.

Now, I'm wondering. Did you use to be a speed player by any chance? Your post seems to fit the general character of the more 'relatively hated' ones I've seen over the years.


Few corrections:

I and multiple other Americans have also been the "relatively hated" people of this forum in the past. Don't have to be Norwegian, we don't believe in discrimination, and I don't think anyone hates you just yet :p.


Your first point comes over as relatively racist to be fair.

Now, I'm wondering. Did you use to be a speed player by any chance? Your post seems to fit the general character of the more 'relatively hated' ones I've seen over the years.

Never was a speed player, no. If you mean the first point is relatively racist, I'll take it away. We don't want anything of that.


It is, in a way. People who don't know you could be offended. It's the same reason we don't allow joke insults; people can interpret things wrongly :).

I helped you remove it :D. PM me if you have any questions!


Few corrections:

I and multiple other Americans have also been the "relatively hated" people of this forum in the past. Don't have to be Norwegian, we don't believe in discrimination, and I don't think anyone hates you just yet :p.
Not just us-forum, you do a good job at being hated on the net-server too....
Once us10 starts we will see which players will become the hated ones of that world.


I'm pretty sure a certain CAOS-player from w9's feelings for me will be pretty close to hate when the reports from his attacks on me starts slapping his face...
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Hate is such a strong word. I think there's only a few couple I've met on TW that I genuinely dislike (and one of them has been reported to the police for threats), but I just don't have it in me to hate someone over a game.

Now, what I find amusing, and that might annoy certain people, is to be honest. If someone screws up, does a bit of backstabbing, or reveals an utter lack of integrity, I'll point it out. Now, some people react in a decent way. They accept responsibility, and takes steps to improve (or admits to it, but don't care - which is also sorta honest). Others, on the other hand... Oh, they'll automatically go on the defensive. Make rationalizations, take no self-criticism, and resort to throwing back accusations of me not having a life, being a troll, having personally strong negative feelings for whoever I criticised.

Does it make me "hated" on a general basis? Certainly not. But it does cause certain people to repeatedly behave like craven fools towards me. Which is quite enjoyable, to be honest.