Hall of Fame


Here, all the winners of competitions with their entries will be posted for all to see :D. Enjoy having your work showcased, you deserve it!

Christmas Paladin Contest:

Winner: Pilotdude


OFLOW Signature Competition:

Winner: Que?


Bard (Poem) Competition

Winner: Googly

There was once a turtle named Cruke
Who couldn't quite send a nuke.
He sent hundred of spear
Even managed a clear
And that's when he became a duke.

Valentine's Day Competition

Winner: Googly

1. I would subtly let them know that we are going to attack a certain player at a set time. Then, go for that player. Just for the hell of it.

2. I would ask them if they wanted to play a drinking game, get them drunk, and then interogate them via skype mic chat. Possibly in the middle of a duet of Bohemian Rhapsody.

3. I would tell everybody that they need to follow 5 instructions, to see how committed they are to the tribe. As all of us are incredibly lazy people, the person who is the spy will be the only one who actually bothers to do them.

4. I would have somebody from the tribe they spy in have information leaked by another player. And then say they are the spy. Hey presto. Spy found.

5. I would blame King Glow...Stick. Even if he isn't playing that world. Just because it would make me happy :)

Declaration Competition

Winner: Googly



A recent undercover reporter has gone in to great depth to discover the truth about OFLOW's secret dealings behind the scenes. We have been shocked by the revelation that:

Old Foe Likes Old Woman.

Little Red Riding Hood's Grandma MUST be kept safe.

Wolf, you are doing down. No amount of incredibly sharp teeth, pointy ears or dark brown eyes will stop us. We of the tribe LATCH (Look After That Charming Girl) solemnly declare to exterminate the wolf, once and for all. The Axe of LATCH will come falling down.

Like this.


Eulogy Competition

Winner: Hoffnung.

Dear tribe mate,

Despite your tragical death, your name will never be forgotten! You fought for a great cause for you reign, after so much laughts and jokes you passed away but your happy spirit will remain for the eternity for those who were your friends, of that I am sure.

Some years have passed since you proclaimed your independence and you began your noble crusade across mountains and valleys for fight the guys who have attacked your fellows! Your body will disappear with the time sure, but your soul will stay with us for the eternity of the times! Was it a waste of time? Of course not, big souls like yours will never stop to fight for the freedom of those you love!

Our enemys are now happy because they defeated one of our best warriors, but your spirit will be avenged! They will not laugh at your, because with the time they will fall in pieces! We will fight for you and the ones who died with you.

You will always be remembered! Rest in peace!

Easter Competition

Winner: H from steps

Lottery Competition

Winners: Franky Hudders; sailman; MightyM

World 4 Launch Competition

Winners: First to join - chris2218. First to noble - Noise

Recruiting Competition

Winner: footloose

I am recruiting for both quality/quantity...

Title: Come fight with the Pink feather dusters!

Do you love this game?

So do we!

Do you want a active team of players to learn and play with?

So do we!!

Do you wanna win this world?

So do we!!!

Hello (Your Name),

I am Stewart Griffin, Duke of the Pink feather dusters. We are interested in having you on our team. Your experience is not a problem as long as you are willing to learn. If you are experienced already you will fit right in with our team.

Our tribe has the core elements to make all players experienced warriors through doing the work to make it happen. So, consider joining us and help us take this world as our own.

Our tribal goals,

A. Dominate and complete the world.

2. Educate and assist our players to be the best they can be.

III. Promote our tribe with a proper level of respect while traveling the public forums.

There are some basic guidelines we promote and follow.

Be as active as you can be in game and forum. Communicate with leadership and tribe mates. Most importantly, we insist that you have FUN!!!

Thanks for your time,

Stewart Griffin

Turkey Tournament

Winner: e2ekiel


Valentine's Day Competition #1

Winner: Surv


Valentine's Day Competition #2

Winner: Beastbasher

Easter Competition #1

Winner: Doctor Jeroen

Hey buddy,

I didn't really know on how to start this letter, I've got many things to say, but let me start by saying I hope you feel much better.

Two years have passed since you left for Afghanistan, and believe me everyone has missed you man. Your kids and wife are tired seeing you in a computer through a webcam.
I see your personality has changed, you became more calm, you see the good things and try to think much less about the bad, the army taught you well, I'm really glad. But when all of us heard the news that you got shot, we cried and I'm not ashamed to say we cried a lot. All the worst thoughts ran through my head, I even had a vision where I saw you dead, I couldn't sleep, I thought my only bro is going to die, and I even didn't have a chance to say good bye. It;s sad in what type of world we live today, people fight and kill and go away.
Let's put away the rhymes, I really wanted to give you power to live, doctors say your injury's very serious and that you are very weak and might die at any time.
I wanted someone to read this to you, and maybe you would find a way to come back from the coma you are in right now, and come back to us buddy. All of us have missed you, we are all praying for you to survive, and I really hope you hear this words. I hope you're trying your best to fight and get back to the real world. Your children, your wife, your family, mum and dad, and of course your friends, we all need you buddy so don't let us down. Get better brother, getting shot in the chest isn't going to be your only problem if you stay in a coma for too long, I promise I will get over there and kick you butt.
We all love you man, so please get better, I hope you are hearing this letter, I hope your soul is strong enough to live this through, we all are praying we believe in you.
Your kids are waiting for their dad to come back home, your wife is still waiting for you to take her to her favorite city, Rome. This is the best I could make up, don't disappoint us please wakeup.

Easter Competition #2

Winner: Doctor Jeroen

Entry Guess: 252

W7 COA Competition #1

Winner: Richard Gluteus Maximus


W7 COA Competition #2

Winner: Yanna01


Creative Writing Contest

Winner: Aaron the Great

The noble Knight was tired. The rest of village celebrated his victory of conquering the barbarian village of Tuska. He could not celebrate, for he was just doing what needed to be done to protect his village. He did not savor the killing of other men. Even if that other man was nothing more than a barbarian. This latest battle was brutal. The barbarians were very poor and had very few iron weapons. They never stood a chance as his army of five thousand strong swept through the village. His life had been one conquer after another, one battle led to the next, one victory led to the next. A never ending cycle.

He rested near the base of the statue of Aaron the Great, as he listened to children playing a game of some sort. They knew nothing of the secrets of battle. They knew not of what it was like to ram a village wall to the ground, while women and children screamed in terror. He was thankful that he was born into nobility. That insured a fairly comfortable existence here in the outskirts of the kingdom. Luck had been on his side all of his life, now it was time to step down before his luck ran out.

Tonight he would go to bed and praise the gods that he would be around for the birth of his first born. That should happen at any time now. Tomorrow he would go to the village forum and announce his retirement. At thirty eight summers old, he still had plenty of life to live. He would perhaps open a shop or something. His only goal right now was to watch his child grow up. If it were to be a boy then he would teach him to hunt, fish and fight. He was not sure what to do if it were to be a girl. Thinking back to his womanizing younger years, he realized with a cold shiver down his spine, that daughters are the gods punishment for being a man. He would kill anyone that looked at a daughter of his with a twinkle in his eye. He chuckled at the thought of putting an arrow in the twinkling eye. It was now time to enjoy the good life. It could not come soon enough.

His good friend Samuel hobbled up to the statue, where the great night was resting. Samuel and the knight had been friends since birth. Samuel took a spear to the leg in order to prevent the spear from piercing the armor of the knight, thus ending Samuel's military career. Now he was the finest Fletcher in all of the kingdom.

"Someday they will have one of these statues built for you" Samuel said.

"That will never happen, the sculptor will go mad from my ugliness" the knight chuckled as he walked over to his horse.

"Care to join me for some ale at the tavern" Samuel asked

"I care not," the knight answered, "I intend to go home and have a warm meal with my wife"

The knight then climbed up onto his favorite horse. Just as he got mounted the children that were playing the game ran over screaming and giggling around the horse. The horse then became spooked and the knight was not ready for the horse to rear up, and fell backwards off the horse. This had happened countless times and the knight was not worried when his head landed with a dull thump on the corner of the statues base. He would never take another breath.

Samuel stood there with the children dumbfounded as the horse ran away from the scene. He knew right away that the mighty knight was dead. He was in shock. Part of him was terribly saddened because his dearest friend was gone, gone for ever. The other part was kind of glad because now he would not have to tell the knight that the child that his wife carried, was most likely his.

Tribemate of the Year 2011

Winner: Yanna01

Tribemate of the Year 2012

Winner: just a try
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