HardCore Xtremists! - HX! [W7]


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I think that we all miss world 4's start up and all the drama going on(if you played w4 :D).As long as HX! was playing,the forum was full.I was spamming everywhere,Gangster Panda was doing the same,and everyone was happy to read the external forum all day long.W5 and 6 came,but none is as active as the 4th .us world(on the external forum at least).And I hate it !

So guess what?I want that fun back and I'll have it.I'll try to recreate as much as I can of the old world 4 by trying to get ex and current world 4 players to join w7(not necessarily in my tribe).

But unlike on world 4,this will be a better organized premade.
So,I'll start recruiting members in the following days.

Requirements to join

-Farm actively in start up
-Know to send good trains
-Know to snipe and backtime(or at least be willing to learn)
-Be a big spammer and enjoy talking on the forum and on skype
-And above all,have fun !

So,if you are interested in joining a tribe who will most likely play with no diplomacy at all,and all the map colored in a bright red,mail me here,or just post here that you're interested and I'll contact you via skype,yahoo or pm.

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I wouldnt say I spammed everywhere ;) Also your aware that its like 3 months until US7 right?


<img src="//media.innogamescdn.com/com_DS_US/TEAM-
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Yes I am aware of that.I wouldn't want us7 to start earlier than 3 months anyway.I just posted this now because I want time to get good players.The list is a bit short right now(6 members) and I will try to get about 25 players untill the start.But because I don't just want players,but only good ones this may take some time.


I suggest getting a group of about 40 players, then try to get the majority to find coplayers with one another.


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We will have like 25 accounts at the start.I'll try to get some americans to coplay with some european players so almost everyone has a co.Some will probably play solo,but as long as they are active they will be welcomed.

We have some new players,our current player count is 11.When we'll get some 25-30 we'll try to get them to coplay each other.
Right now I am just focusing on getting players.The opening of w7 will be probably in June or July,so there's plenty of time to get everything set.

Are you going to make smash there?


Oh I see here. That i can have some fun with some active forum users :)


King of spam ;)


I have a couple (3 as for now, may be able to gather more) expierienced (very expierienced on other servers) day/night players. (GMT+1). Feel free to contact me.
We won't be able to be online during your 'evening', so we do need a co-player to fill that gap.


No sir! I am sorry but i am stealing you from dase.
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Well if all these premades are legit, looks like there may be some more competition on world 7...


I hope some more premades join the world. More fun if we have a fight on our hands. Perhaps we should try and find start up a little more interesting.
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Would be more fun if late joiners hopped on W6. US7 isn't going to start for probably 3-4 months.


i suppose we shall meet again dase, hopefully you'l do a better job :) good luck, ill be there with my own surprise