

Hi all, thought I'd post something, not a regular on the external forums.

1. Your in game name
Currently KingFredV, have played on the US server as LittleJimmy and LordLocksley

2. Which worlds you play
Currently just US9. Wasn't active initially as I was going on holiday, no tribe so no sitter, started seriously when I got back and have gone from 200 points/no troops to 1500+/4700+ troops in 10 days

3. How long you have been playing
Played on other worlds (.NET, UK) for about the last 4 years

4. A little bit about yourself (as much as you feel comfortable sharing)
My game name comes from having a family down, I am Frederick James the 5th, go by the name of James though as there were 4 of use when I was born and there are only so many combinations of Frederick that you can get to. I am an IT bod, software development (C#, Delphi), Database administration, network adminstrator. Married 23yrs, daughter of 20 (keep your hands off!), too many animals to count (and broke because of it).

5. Anything else you would like!
TW is TTTTOOOOOO adictive - keep stopping playing due to RL but end up coming back again a couple of months later

King Fred V