Label fakes script *private*


New Member
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I'd like to have this script approved as PRIVATE

This script will help you identify possibly fake and real attacks by tagging your incoming attacks in your incomings overview using information from the reports database.
To use this script first you must submit all your attacks to the db server with the attacks stripper script (already approved as private script). This is to cope with the fact that your attacks can be multiple pages and each time you run the script it can only see one page. So, I repeat, first submit all the pages of your attacks to the db with the attacks stripper script.

var blDebug=true;
function c()
var a=document;
var b=a.createElement('script');
var d=new Date();

When you run it at your incoming attacks overview this script sends your attacks information to the db and receives back from it tags for the attacks that db has information for them. This tag is appended at the start of your attacks name. The tag is enclosed in brackets and it may contain the following:
1. Attack sequence in the form X/Y, which means it is the X attack of total of Y attacks launched from that village and haven't hit yet. Counts is on the total of attacks saved in db which means that you may have only one attack from a village and it's sequence is 3/5 because others have submitted 4 more attacks. If no sequence is added, then it's the only attack db knows from that village.
2. The label FAKE if the db estimates the attack is a fake.
3. The letter 'N' if it's a known offensive village followed by a strength estimation of the nuke in the form of a number of 0 to 4 '+' characters each one representing 25% of strength (so ++++ means full strength nuke).
4. The reason db thinks it is a fake (if labeled as such). It can be the letter 'K', if the nuke was killed, 'L' if that attack was on the way the same time with a known nuke that has hit, 'D' if it's defensive village.

Tag Examples
[4/4 FAKE N++++L]
4th attack sent from that full nuke village, but fake because the real nuke has hit elsewhere.

[5/6 FAKE N++++L]
5th out of 6 attacks but fake for same reason as above.

[6/7 FAKE NKL]
6th out of 7 attacks but fake for two reasons. Because the nuke was killed and sent elsewhere anyway.

[1/3 FAKE N+L]
1st out of 3 attacks but fake because the real nuke has hit elsewhere. Small nuke village.

[4/5 N++++]
Attack from a full nuke village.

[1/2 FAKE D]
Fake from a known def village.

Deleted User - 419875

Ok, you are all clear to run this script, good luck and enjoy