Looking for a co-player: Offering EU co.


A wonderful day to you all!

I am David, 19 years old, and long-time TW player. In the past I've only played on the international server, and I am still running a successful account there.
Some time opened up in my life and I wanted to play something more casual, so a friend referred me to the US server. I took a look at the W19 settings which are quite nice, so I'll be devoting some time here as well.

What am I looking for: A player who can cover 19:00-5:00/7:00 ST.
Basic requirements:
  • Activity
  • Knowledge of 'advanced tactics'; sniping, backtiming, t-trains, split trains etc
  • Village builds, troop builds, organization of the account
  • Flexible player that knows how to adapt to certain situation and doesn't take attacks personally
  • Skype, for good communication
  • Bonus if you like Queen

Contact me on Skype if you're interested and then I'll show you some TW-stats references: dl.hyperion