Lord of Ultima Veteran looking for a new home


Hello all,

I've poked around this game a couple of times as well as just about every other similar game in existence over the past 6 months or so. I think I really want to give this one a serious run though. I'm looking for a tribe to join on W15 if there are any out there who don't mind a person new to this game, but very seasoned in strategy games like this.

About myself.... I have been a strong player in Lord of Ultima for the past three years or so. I loved that game and am pissed hated to see it go. I had a couple of first place crowns there and was a terror to many regardless of what alliance I was in. I'm looking to learn this game quickly and dish out an equal amount of pain here! :D

If there is a strong, steady tribe on W15 that is serious about playing strong, while at the same time, not taking themselves too seriously, please drop me an invite. I promise that if you help me learn the ropes, I will be a strong asset to your team once I break past the learning curve.



Do you have an account? Are you looking to coplay? Ive mentored many.. my first world was W8 on .net. PM me