"offline tribalwars"


A few friends and I wanted to host our own TW server for practice sniping and backtiming. I also have a friend who is interested in TW but not sure how to play and I was going to show him the basics before he joins a real world. We are aware that we 1) cant have it online and 2) we cant charge money.

Because we dont live near each other and online TW is not allowed we wanted to know if a hamachi linked server would be fine. LogMeIn Hamachi is a hosted VPN service that lets you securely extend LAN-like networks to distributed teams, mobile workers and your gamer friends alike. In minutes.

Since this is a LAN line and servers are legal if they are hosted using a LAN line we were not sure if this would be legal because of multiple people.

https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/ is the link.

Answer from InGame moderators would be the most helpful but all replies are wanted.


<img src="//media.innogamescdn.com/com_DS_US/TEAM-
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It's illegal,but you can make 2 accounts on offline servers and practice backtiming and whatever you want there on you're own.

Still,you can't get caught if you do it online :D.So go ahead and play with you're friends because there are some romanian servers with 40 k players that inno didn't closed.So a server with 3-4 friends playing on it means nothing.


It's illegal,but you can make 2 accounts on offline servers and practice backtiming and whatever you want there on you're own.

Still,you can't get caught if you do it online :D.So go ahead and play with you're friends because there are some romanian servers with 40 k players that inno didn't closed.So a server with 3-4 friends playing on it means nothing.

just out of curiosity you know you just incriminated yourself right? :D


It's illegal,but you can make 2 accounts on offline servers and practice backtiming and whatever you want there on you're own.

Still,you can't get caught if you do it online :D.So go ahead and play with you're friends because there are some romanian servers with 40 k players that inno didn't closed.So a server with 3-4 friends playing on it means nothing.

The hosters of the server though got sued and payed a bit. So yeah, go and play. You will probably donate nicely.


Yeah as soon as we found out it was illegal we stopped working on it. Its a shame though because with a 15 member limit its not like we can do stuff like charging people money and we would get bored eventually.