Oldest player aliveeee


Oldest player alive, yet needs to add a dot in his username.


Ofcourse im not playing everyday since then, I must have played for like 4 years in total. but I played speed for at least 12 months so that alone counts as 7-8 years experience. You get a lot of startup experience from speeds, I must have played like 500 speeds.


Well you shouldn't cuz game was completely different. Think about what could you do if you played at 2008 now with your current knowledge of tactics and skills. I created some of the tactics, and I know people really didn't know a thing back then.


Awww, only 2006 for me, and December -06 at that. Oh well.

I agree, TSFS! The skill level was abysmal. Especially if you go to the Norwegian servers. Sniping and 1-sec trains were considered the pinnacle of technical achievements. Gosh.

On the tactics side, I'm pretty sure most tactics were developed independently by several people at different times. Kind of hard to say, as some people like to share their skills with others, while others... don't. For instance, I figured out that pre-nobling and re-nobling was a good idea, but I'm confident at lot of people did that way before I did.


like I'm gonna remember that, phhh I don't have a good memory.
although I remember playing tw.net w1 for a while, I made like 80k points there. But I was young and noob then. When I started to become a pro was tw.net world 30(first paladin weapons world) We were there like 40 Foreign players and 15 out of first 20 was us. and the world filled 100,000 players limit in 5 days, huge world it was.
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W1 started in -06. If you started in -04, you would've had to have started on die-staemme.de :)

Yes I started at german when it wasn't even version 1, it was beta.
You know actually speed worlds history goes even before version 1. from time to time there were speed rounds back then. they ussualy lasted 2 weeks with 100x speed.
And there were also dsdbtest servers that we logged in with a password.
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