Rally point?


Can someone please answer my questions or point in the right direction to find the answers. If I destroy the rally point while my enemy has troops in transit, what happens to them? Say, the first attack in my train takes out the rally point, will he/she still be able to stop? Does the support keep on coming or pauses unit the building is rebuilt? What if I destroy my enemy's rally point while has a noble en route to my village? Does his attack just pause until he rebuilds it or does it continue but he just wont be able to see the status?


Destroying the rally point only prevents your opponent from sending troops out or recalling them to that village until it is repaired. It will not affect troops that are already in transit.


The above is true. Any attack already sent will continue on its way, regardless of the rally point. You simply cannot send troops out or withdraw support unless the rally point is rebuilt.