Speed Rounds


I agree, there must be speed rounds ASAP!
And also more admin work on forums, the forum is dead!


Click the 'Plesase read' u6 made and see why we can't have speeds ;(
And it would be boring if only the mods were talking. or wouldn't it? :D


The more players on the server, the more beneficial and likely speed rounds are. That's not a guarantee they will be, but that's a good basis to start from. So bring friends and new players onto this server, and that'll help :).

Also, encourage players to come on the forums! We're often running forum competitions with free premium giveaways, we are constantly trying to give players incentives like guides, information, and more, but we need people to spread the word to get players on the forums to talk as well. Once it starts, it grows :).


haven't seen any of forum competitions, why no mods write everyone ingame message about the competitions ?


We always do, in-game messages accompany every competition :).


I understand you u6, but i really like Speed servers, last year i was 4th in Champion Speed, i also play other speed servers like .pl .se .ch .nl, but i only play like free limit player, today i was in sleep and i mist the free entry, but i would like to pay for speed servers, if the speed would be like 100-300, troops speed is fast enough already. And that it would last until 1 tribe wins or 95% of territory conquered by a tribe. I would play it and i'm sure many other would like to play speed servers for longer time. I am from Slovene, but here is when i started playing tribal wars and i hope i will end playing here to. On .si i don't like players, its like communist are telling you what to do and when and how much, i mean there are tribes that are like it suppost to be, but many of them take care of them self, here is this to but here it aint such problem for that, players are nice, and respectfull, i think on .si all want to be the best of the best.. I rather play other country servers, so i can have fun playing in a tribe and hope for the best yet to come. I play 8 years of this and still i am in it!

Can i get some advertising to invite?
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We love the idea of a speed server as well. Unfortunately, it just wouldn't be profitable. We need more players to ensure that it would be profitable, is my understanding. I'm nothing but a volunteer and I can't speak on anything besides what I've seen already from CMs in the past, but currently we're working on expanding our player base.

You can always invite players; like and share our facebook page, spread the word, etc. When you invite players by email and they pass 500 points, you get an award and free premium. We're doing all we can to grow the server, and any help by the players is undoubtedly good :).


I would like to see a speed world that combined the speed world and casual world together. I want it were you can conquer barbarian villas in a speed world. I want it were you dont have to have a certain amount of men to attack a player. Overall, I would like to see a speed and casual world combined and make one world. Basically having your normal tw but 120 times faster time. These are some ideas I have and would love to see.
