[suggestion] A world starts in four different places.


What if instead of starting a world from center there will be, say, four quadrants or corners of the world some distance away from each other maybe a continent or two? Players could choose which quadrant to start in. When these quadrants would grow big enough they will fuse together into one.

This will increase the chances for more people to survive until they have multiple villages and more developed tribes have established to fight bigger wars. This is the most interesting part of the game where people could coordinate on a larger scale and have a chance and therefore reason to stay in the game. And top tribes from four regions would have to fight for world victory on somewhat equal level instead of killing off small tribes with no resistance almost from the beginning of the world.

It could add another achievement award for a tribe(s). First is a quadrant domination and then world domination. Should be interesting isn’t it?

There are so many people start and leave this game just because they can’t go beyond one village. It is a struggle for survival against experienced players. And even if you become experienced after a while you still have to rely on luck in getting into a “good” area with not many experienced players around or getting into a powerful tribe that has many experienced players in it.


This sounds interesting but would mean a higher speed world