Tag script


I am going to leave a link to a guide which has different scripts on it and I just wanted to know if the guide and the scripts in the guide would be ok. Wasn't sure well else to post it so I thought here would be the best since it is based around a script. This is the link to the thread that explains how the script is used and has the actual script.
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Answer to your question...

I just take a look on this guide... I saw that the scripts don't work because they are too old...

The updated sort script is this:
javascript: var debugEnabled=true; var branch='http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25377948/twscripts/'; (window.main||self).$.getScript(branch+'jquery.tw.sort.js',function(){$.twSortOverview(branch,debugEnabled);}); void(0);

The updated incoming renamer script is this:
javascript: theFormat = '{unit} - {origin} - {sent} - {arrival}'; $.getScript("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24469843/Tribalwars/Scripts/IncomingRenamer.js"); void(0);
But you needn't it anymore, because every premium member can use the destination tool...

But the HOW TO USE THE ATTACK ID NUMBERS WITH FREE ACCOUNTS guide is possible to used from free accounts.