Let me start by saying I do not generally like to embarass people in the externals, but Tazzie is no longer responding to my mails. I will post our conversation and you may take away from it what you will.
End result:
Long read, but I hope it enlightens new players. Put up, or shut up.
[/spoilerL]TAZZIE Jan 14,2014 15:08
you guys should communicate better. your spy script is coming in Behind zachs fake script 8)
larryiv Jan 14,2014 15:27
I don't even understand your point.
TAZZIE Jan 14,2014 16:02
man so's a game remember 8) I should have finished tagging. the first batch was all scouts so I assumed they were part of the script. Aside from the annoyance of having to tag them those things really aren't that successful with an experienced player.
larryiv Jan 15,2014 08:53
You talk alot. I hope you play as well as you say you do. Hate to see you get rimmed after one op >.< So many muppets on this world. Don't prove me right.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 10:39
rofl...why of course 8)
larryiv Jan 15,2014 10:39
I'll be watching closely. Do not fail me.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 10:45
uhhh ok, but why should I care if you get impressed? You guys know no one who plays this world is impressed by you guys right?
larryiv Jan 15,2014 10:55
You keep telling us how much experience you have. Time for you to live up to that. Everyone is impressed by us, do not live in denial
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 11:18's a big duh that you will get me eventually but it's already taking longer than you thought it would and I can barb munch new villages into the ratio all day. Hate to tell you but the only ones impressed by you guys is you. You have a bunch of people playing merged accounts in a game designed to be played by individuals. The only thing impressive is that you found a way to exploit the rules and cheat. You will eventually win the war but we will all know you had to cheat to do it.
larryiv Jan 15,2014 11:28
You are accusing me of cheating? How so? That is quite an accusation.
Lets talk about how this game should be played then shall we. First off it is a war game. Not a race to munch barbs. Right there you have failed.
Merging/internalling. Hmmmm.
01 Vildbln (662|395) K36 10,456 Marijuana [~WP~] TAZZIE [~WP~] 2013-12-10 18:19:41
01 Vilpyrd (662|394) K36 10,376 Marijuana [~WP~] TAZZIE [~WP~] 2013-12-10 16:10:41
01 {Mobster} (661|378) K36 5,802 Marijuana [~WP~] TAZZIE [~WP~] 2013-12-10 10:24:12
01 {Arcane Magic} (658|378) K36 9,627 Marijuana [~WP~] TAZZIE [~WP~] 2013-12-10 02:15:33
03 {Hephaestus} (659|368) K36 8,696 Marijuana [~WP~] TAZZIE [~WP~] 2013-12-09 23:14:00
03 {Hera} (659|371) K36 8,018 Marijuana [~WP~] TAZZIE [~WP~] 2013-12-09 20:14:06
03 {Athena} (656|369) K36 9,586 Marijuana [~WP~] TAZZIE [~WP~] 2013-12-09 03:58:45
03 {Mt. Olympus} (654|368) K36 8,583 Marijuana [~WP~] TAZZIE [~WP~] 2013-12-09 03:05:30
You have contradicted yourself here. Its ok, nothing wrong with merging. With your vast experience you would understand it is better to keep the villages in your tribe then just kick the player out.
I love being called names though. It concentrates my efforts ^.^
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 11:35
I'm sorry, perhaps English is not your first language? Do you not understand the term "exploit the rules"? And just because I am not afraid to say it doesn't mean no one else thinks it. We all know you cheated. When it comes to skill you are no where close, For example look at the village sizes of your have them built for points not troops. That in itself shows lack of skill and planning.
larryiv Jan 15,2014 11:43
We play within the rules. Any explotation is only perceived on your end because you are going to lose. I have played this game for some time (not the 10 years that you claim) but it is always the same. Winning side must be cheating. I know, I have been on the losing side on net.
Your sarcasm betrays your anger. you have ignored my merge post. Why? Becuase I am right in this instance and you fear being called a hypocrit.
I do not worry about my other members village builds. Only mineI think you will find them to be low, in fact I have the lowest avg points in the top 20. Yet i am rank 8 in total villages. The only stat i look at on there. True i do have some high point villages, but only cause i capped them at such a pace i got sick of tearing them down to where they should be.
Now, lets address lack of skill. You told me I sent scouts at you. True i did, but what else did I sendSeems your tagger is malfunctioing. i invite you to the external forums where you will find a new one
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 11:49
of course we internal our players...duh. But you have multiple players on the same accounts, I know that because BDF and I were offered the opportunity to do that and declined. We declined because we believe it is cheating to merge multiple active players. Not the same thing as merging accounts from other tribes and sharing the account.
larryiv Jan 15,2014 13:30
Here is a snipet from the rules setion. Note the highlighted section
§1) One account per player
Each player is allowed only one account per game world, with the exception of the account sitting feature. Sharing your password with another player on any world you play is forbidden.
Knowing, storing, or asking passwords for other accounts on worlds you play is 100% forbidden. If another player sends you their password, you must always report them; otherwise you risk your own account being banned.
It is allowed for multiple people to co-play an account, provided they do not have access to any other account on the same world.
You may not login to ANY other account using the other player's password on ANY world you play, even if it’s a family member. To be allowed to log into another account, they must set you as an account sitter using the Account Sitting feature.
It is strictly forbidden to force entry to an account. Unsuccessful attempts on other players' accounts are logged and will be punished with the same severity.
It is forbidden for more than one player to be logged in to an account at the same time.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 13:44
dude. I'm not interested in how you justify "exploit". To exploit the rules means to find a loophole that allowed you to cheat. You did that successfully. We follow the rules the way they are intended to be you really think we don't own cell phones and know how to use them to avoid the shared connection rules if we chose too? I have won and lost this game many times but in the end my honor and integrity are always intact.If you cared about your reputation you should have thought of that earlier because it's a little late now 8)
larryiv Jan 15,2014 13:50
your opinion of me matters not. You are calling me a cheater when I am not. Perhaps English is not your first language
It is allowed and nothing is being exploited. Please tell me what worlds you have won. I am interested to see your conquer stats. Maybe i'll have a nosey myself. You seem to ignore my questions in regards to your credibilty anyway.
Cell phones you say? Is that how you and your husband get around a shared internet connection? Hmmm, seems you are exploiting the rules too. It appears your integrity is not so shiny as you may think.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:03
so the way you can deal with your rep is to ignore reading what is in front of you? go back and reread --notice I said "if we chose to" and and that we value our honor and integrity. I can't find any question here to answer so maybe you're not being clear. You really you think you guys played fair then what do you care that the rest of us believe you cheated? As long as you win right? I'd rather lose with integrity than win with no honor. Since you care so much about my stats go look for yourself on .net boards.
larryiv Jan 15,2014 14:04
Spoken like a TW world loser. You have given that speach many times I can tell.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:07
ROFL... now I get it why you are so blown up over my stats...this is your first success and you had to cheat to do it...rofl sorry, didn't realize I was pushing such an important button, you need to believe your own hype... rofl. Don't worry, this experience will help you play with honor next time because you won't be so invested 8)
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:08
you're right, I have given the honor speech before, because MY HONOR matters to me 8)
larryiv Jan 15,2014 14:11
Here are net stats. Is there more info on these worlds or is this all? Old worlds so not sure if info lost.
World Player Conquers Last seen
EN9 tazzie 0 2008-05-11 21:10:42
EN13 tazzie 0 2008-04-27 19:09:48
Here are US stats.
World Player Conquers Last seen
US6 TAZZIE 84 2013-11-29 02:17:10
US10 TAZZIE 0 2013-10-25 19:24:13
US11 TAZZIE 0 2013-11-16 14:19:25
USP1 TAZZIE 0 Unknown
Where does 10 years of experience factor in? Have you played under a different name?
larryiv Jan 15,2014 14:12
My net 46 stats:
Name: LarryIV
First seen: 2010-02-17 18:00:01
Last seen: 2012-09-25 01:18:21
Tribe Changes: 17
Conquers: 1728 (+1423-305)
I deleted when I too believed the other side was cheating. Save me your tears. They are lost on me.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:13
you have to go on the .net boards and look at W1 -W8 and all under tazzie there too.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:14
awww poor baby...did you think I am crying? You're the one with over 700 villages worrying about my stats lol
larryiv Jan 15,2014 14:18
I am worried about your stats. You make outrageous claims about your skillz, yet all I see are barbs and well, not much else. If you are going to talk the talk, you have to walk the walk. So far you are tripping on your lips.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:21
there you go using the same eyes to look at stat that allow you to believe you are playing fair. If you're not really going to look at the stats then why are you grilling me? BTW of course I'm going to barb munch and since I've looked at your guys stats too now I would be careful about your personal hypocricy.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:25
tsk tsk....and that's just one quick pass 8)
Barbarian village (303|510) K53 10,277 Barbarian larryiv [2HARD] 2013-11-24 13:09:35
Barbarian village (303|506) K53 10,277 Barbarian larryiv [2HARD] 2013-11-23 18:36:35
larryiv Jan 15,2014 14:26
I am well aware of my conquers. Some barbs yes. I also recently internalled my RL friend [player]Kidicarus[/player]. I don't normally do internals. I prefer the fight.
Now you are checking me out >Seems you cannot help but wonder what makes me tick. Respond if you want to hear more
Oh yes, I took those from a player who deleted when i nuked him to the stone ages.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:28
nah... don't really care, just wondered why you were making the big deal....looks to me like almost all you've taken are pre cleared intenals so now I understand your issue 8)
larryiv Jan 15,2014 14:42
i did some ODA/Village ratio is 60k/Village, yours is around 35k/Village. Dispelled your latest accusation. Do you always accuse without any real thought?
You have nobled 1.25 Villages/day.
I have nobled 1.8/villages/day.
I started in the core. You started (and will end) on the rim.
I think I am starting to get the real picture of your experience now.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:43
wow you really do want to know me better...sorry I'm happily married 8)
larryiv Jan 15,2014 14:44
So am I ^.^ and for once it feels good to be right
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:46
cool now that you have resolved your concerns you can rest easy that your rep as a cheater has been earned and you can be at peace with it 8)
larryiv Jan 15,2014 14:47
lol, do you sleep easy at night making up stuff and lableing people? I could think of a few for you.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:49
honey you are starting to sound like you should actually be in school right now. Hard to believe you are old enough to even have a GF let alone be married 8)
larryiv Jan 15,2014 14:53
Oh yes, your old fall back comment of "you are far too immmature compared to me"
I have dispelled anything you have sent me with facts and stats. You have shownn me nothing.
My analysis is that your are full of crap and know very little about this game. That is a fact.
TAZZIE Jan 15,2014 14:57
no a fact is that you are investing a lot of energy in trying to convince yourself because you will never convince me. another "fact" is that usually means a very young person blowing off steam because they feel powerless in their own lives. You're happy right? so why keep trying to convince me when I A. won't change my mind and B. don't care as much as you obviously do 8)
larryiv Jan 15,2014 15:05
You mailed me first telling me how great you are. So now you are butt hurt that i proved you are in fact at best a "D" list player.
Unlike you i don't go around mailing everyone how great I am though. I would never consider my self much more the a "B-" minus player. Your ego is bigger then your skill set. I'll see if I cannot work my way over to you. bit of a jog, but if you survive long enough
I'll give you a pratical examination.
larryiv Jan 17,2014 08:55
Jan 16
19:15 JediMaster71 joined the tribe.
Seems you are wrong again.
larryiv Jan 20,2014 08:57
64 TAZZIE ~WP~ 0 70 865.297 7.101.139
All your bravado and experience is failing you. this is as I predicted.
End result:
Origin: TAZZIE MUNCHER (720|397) K37
Quantity: 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 1
Losses: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defender: TAZZIE
Destination: 04 HERAs SILVER MOON (721|395) K37
Quantity: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defender's troops, that were in transit
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Haul: 0/2.000
Loyalty: Dropped from 20 to -2
Yes, i nobled her, and continue to.
Quantity: 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 1
Losses: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defender: TAZZIE
Destination: 04 HERAs SILVER MOON (721|395) K37
Quantity: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defender's troops, that were in transit
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Haul: 0/2.000
Loyalty: Dropped from 20 to -2
Yes, i nobled her, and continue to.
Long read, but I hope it enlightens new players. Put up, or shut up.
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