The [EXP]eriment~K34



I am an experienced TW Player from both .net and .us. I used to play us2 and us4 (with a different username) until I had to leave for real life issues :(

However, now I'm back and starting off a new tribe on us6.

Tribe Name: The Experiment
Tribe Tag: [EXP]
Location: 34, heck I don't really care where you are, just JOIN MEH TRIBE :truelove:
Recruitment: OPEN ;)
Tribal Motto: Quantity>Quality+Points>Troops :D
Description: Looking at us6, I noticed that its gone basically the same as every other us world-one tribe of experienced friends crushing every other tribe. SO, I decided to have some fun and run an experiment. I will be "mass recruiting" as many players as I can (only 60 :() and see how long the tribe lasts. Before people start posting about Mass Recruitment being stupid and ineffective, let me reiterate, this is an EXPERIMENT. I don't plan to get anywhere and I'm really just killing time until us7 opens.

However, I do need one brave soul to help me in my experiment, so, if you are interested, please contact me in game (TheKillerKirby) so that we can have a chat :D

Thanks for Reading!

EDIT:Just for Gits and Shiggles, here's a picture:

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You can just ask CREED or DGSoWR how their experiment worked


Good luck with your experiment. I hope you succeed where others have failed.


You can just ask CREED or DGSoWR how their experiment worked

There are a couple of differences between me and them:
1)I don't really care how this ends, I'm just doing it for fun
2)In the event I become allied with the top tribe filled with extremely experienced players, I wouldn't back stab them... :D

Good luck with your experiment. I hope you succeed where others have failed.

Thank you, I'll try :p
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