Train script


This script is posted in our forum, with some debate about it's legality. Support suggested posting here in the forum to see if it's legal.

javascript:function mif(id,url) { return "<iFRAME SRC=\""+url+"\" name=\""+id+"\" width=\"840\" height=\"500\"></iframe>";} function mau(name) { return "window.frames['"+name+"'].document.getElementById('troop_confirm_go').click ();"; } var url = window.location.href; var ifr = ""; var alink = ""; for(i=1;i<=4;i++) {ifr += mif('name'+i,url); alink += mau('name'+i);} document.body.innerHTML="<a href=\"javascript:"+alink+"\">Send Attack!</a> <br>"+ifr;

According to the forum you click on this from the rally point. It opens attack screens on the same page in the browser. You complete each of the attack screens like you would different tabs. So far it seems as if this operates just like setting up four separate tabs. Then the instructions say to go to the upper left of the screen and click on the words Send Attack. At this point it seems to operate like the Chrome extension.

Please confirm whether this script can be used or not.