Looks like there are lots of premades. 40 tribe limit? Dayum, mass-recruitment is crazy. Who will fall first?
rumble Oct 22, 17:36
I can see you know how to play some. Did you join that tribe at random? I am not looking to step on toes. Just interested in seeing what your aims are. We are trying to form a group that will last.
Stalefish Oct 22, 17:37
I don't see the goal of this message...?
rumble Oct 22, 17:39
Just looking to see if you are a good fit for us champ. Not looking to steal you away from another tribe if they are your friends.
rumble Oct 22, 17:40
Does that spell it out better?
Stalefish Oct 22, 17:41
Stalefish Oct 22, 17:41
Stalefish Oct 22, 17:41
Are anyone else from why and NN invited as of now?
Stalefish Oct 22, 17:43
rumble Oct 22, 17:44
No. I do not know them. I was just looking in our sector from a player who looks vested. I have no clue if they just randomly recruited you. So here I am taking a closer look than that. We have a few guys that have lead top tribes but we are by no means 1337. We don't force players units around.
Stalefish Oct 22, 17:47
I'll keep this in mind but I'm not looking to hop tribes.
rumble Oct 22, 17:48
Thanks. It's a little early to call settling in `hopping tribes`. Good luck with those guys.
Stalefish Oct 22, 17:49
I'm just going with the biggest tribe around me.
Stalefish Oct 22, 17:49
Then later when nobles come I'll be going to the tribe that best fits my wants/friends.
rumble Oct 22, 17:53
I understand. Who can blame that? I lead the #1 tribe on w10 for 6 months. Our leader lead UOW on the same world for the rest of it. We may die. I however want to plant my flag in the ground. I would think anyone else naturally would want the same. Signing up for `whoever is winning` is a bad look.
An answer to your question...
No Drama Here seems to be a good tribe. I know we had 20 of us meet up to play this world, but the other 20 are from mass recruitment . But the thing i rate about this tribe is the no hugging policy. If your not in this tribe then you have no diplomacy with us.
This is a hard thing to find in any server on TW
No Drama Here seems to be a good tribe. I know we had 20 of us meet up to play this world, but the other 20 are from mass recruitment . But the thing i rate about this tribe is the no hugging policy. If your not in this tribe then you have no diplomacy with us.
This is a hard thing to find in any server on TW
Join my tribe, yo
Ok. Well is it hugging inviting people in a K to dominate it or is it smart? Dominating a k will give us a grip on the world with all the family tribes and all the allies etc. We have a strict no ally and no diplomacy. Recruitment isn't diplomacy and whoever says it is , has just gone off on a tangent as I am sure no normal person would class mass recruitment as hugging.
Secondly, I admit yes I don't know the most recent members we recruited YET, they may be better than I think . We have a good team over here and an experienced team (maybe not in the original sense) but a team that has proven that working together can be successful.
As for the farming being a problem, well it shouldn't be I was in a similar situation on a UK classic world we were 8 members in 1 k (small tribe numbers on that world) and we ate a whole K therefore giving us a strong hold... then we went on to win the world. If these guys do the same in NDH i am sure history can repeat itself .
Also if people hit our smaller members then to be fair I stand by the theory... if you can't help yourself you can't be helped. If the person is loyal and active and willing to learn then yes I will give my troops to them as, that is what i class as a tribemate. If they are just one of those people who stay silent, grow slow, and then post on the forum for the first time when they are in need, i will just watch and probably send a recap noble .
I don't mind mass-recruitment though, just makes my war stats look better when I noble all the noobs out.
How do you noble the noobs when you can't noble yourself...?