Tribal SaVages


lol, I see.

Tell me that at least you'll be poking war with Tact as well to keep this world interesting.


We are very friendly with Tact and on good terms, everyone knows that :).


I have never sent someone on intentions to spy not have i poached a player from a tribe we are at war with. Its against how i play the game but i can not control what happens with everyone on my tribe. And i beleive beating a tribe in war and then allowing their top player or 2 to come over is far different than poaching and completly different set of scenarios. All i stated was that dargon was either infiltrating us or was poached as well as dr bioshock who was clearly poached. To each his own though and i personally know a couple of the savage guys and they all have high skills as well as frelak i tecogniE from another world (13 maybe?) also sorry for my typing errors i do most of it on mobile


Everyone of the top tribes has been on the other top tribes case about something that they also do, it's really just an endless cycle of preteen girl bickering.


Hinro today at 08:51
Yeah we're at war but it's never too late to join the winning side lol. How about this: I'll let you join us and I'll forgive you for -------------------------what will advise me

I am no expert but this looks like poaching to me.


Shock. Horror.


Dr Diddle:
Everyone of the top tribes has been on the other top tribes case about something that they also do, it's really just an endless cycle of preteen girl bickering.

Yep. 'Tis the TW way.


I am no expert but this looks like poaching to me.
Just stop what we had wasnt even a war. Whats the stats at now 25-1? Please

anyway is just think the way this was done is rather lame because we were putting up a fight and then this kills morale, and is a huge sent in our fighting power. However i never said it doesnt make sense or you shouldn't have. Cheers to all


Azi, you keep calling us hypocrites and poachers. But we haven't poached a single player.

Everyone uses spies and whatnot. And it was only natural for TRBL and Savage to join forces, since they have always worked together.

Again I congratulate you guys on growing through the ranks and taking out different players. But you have yet to hit me... or Quaxi or many many others...

Lets see how many nobles you get sniped when the war actually comes to us. So far you guys just long distance barb noble into our territory. Yeah... lets see how long that shit lasts... LMAO...

Ill be here until you guys decide to focus fire for real. You sure as hell aren't gonna win by nobling barbs... :D



Lets see how many nobles you get sniped when the war actually comes to us. So far you guys just long distance barb noble into our territory. Yeah... lets see how long that shit lasts... LMAO...

I'm not barb nobling. How did you like my snipes? ;-)



Khal you keep cancelling your trains to get the gap between each attack lower. How are you going to snipe? You're going to miss the time slot which you have to get it in XD


Yeah well, when my coplayer has internet troubles, he sure as hell better keep resending them until they are 100ms trains... :p

Pretty dumb ass thing to rag on someone about... Oooooooo your internet sucks! HAHAHAHAHA!

Yeah well... good catch. Im glad you have nothing better to do than watch him resend trains for an hour.

@Leila, Snipes were good! :D Keep it up!


Azi good job buddy just checked in on this world and see you guys got it in the bag ;) Honestly, didnt think that would happen when I left but really nice job man...