W77 settings feedback


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Personally, and again, this is speaking as someone just coming back so I'm biased-I would prefer a good tribe size like 20, but tribe lock seems like it benefits people who are coming in knowing their team a little more and leaves those of us that don't know anyone kind of out on a limb. I don't want to argue hard against it because I don't mind the idea in theory, but I figured I'd voice it to be safe.

Again though 20 sounds like a good number for a tribe to piggyback on what others have said


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New Setting:
Allowed Play Time: 12 hours per account
Co-player: No

World speed: 3
Unit speed: .5
Account manager: 10 village to enable
Commands: First sent arrives first
Paladin: No
Archers: No
Tech: 10 Level
Fake Limit: 3%
Nighttime Bonus: 1000%
Scavenging: On
Watchtower: No
Militia: Disabled
Noble distance: 25 fields
Barb nobling: OFF
Tribe limit: 10
Leave tribe: Not possible / unless account is deleted
Attack tribe: NO
Support tribe: Yes
Villages spawn per newcomer: 500%
Account Sitter: Off
Nobleman Slot: Off
World ends at 150 days, whoever's rank 1 wins


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Looks perfect, i'm always in favour of farm limits to block death star gifts. 2000 at the top end!


New Member
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Having played this game for over a decade on the international server and recently here on the US server, couple of things I think would be a welcome change:

  1. Lower the dominance score so that the 2 or 3 best tribes are not loafing around munching all the smaller tribes to try then basically try to pre-settle the world long before any tribe even come close to achieving the dominance needed to win. Perhaps 30-40% rather than 70%.
  2. With lower dominance score, increasing the duration require to hold dominance should be appropriate. Perhaps 30-days seem fair. Gives all the other tribes a chance to throw down the gauntlet at the winning tribe.
  3. Limit the amount of resources that can be purchase off the premium exchange on a daily basis per player for the first 14-days of world start. This helps to fight off the disproportionate and relentless PP players from camping the exchange and buying their way to the top for the first 14-days of the world, thus discouraging new players or returning players from even trying. Lots of players quit long before 14-days due to seeing a small group of players having grown far out of reach and out of sight to even catch up to them. This will improve competition among players and I think from a $$ standpoint, Inno will still make the $$ they would make due to improve player competition and player retention for the world.
  4. Tribe limit: 20.... anything less is just encouraging a bunch of family tribes.
  5. Improve account sitting rules to 7-days maximum with a 15 or 30 day cooldown.
  6. No co-players or maximum 1 co-player. Some players tend to band together with 2 to 3 co-players in addition to account owner giving them a disproportionate advantage against players that does not have co-player. This in turn puts a lot of stress on new players playing this game. They get frustrated because they see no way to success as the account with co-player can relentlessly go after them 24/7 while they themselves can only have so much up-time for the account due to not having a co-player.

Finally, here's my proposed settings, while not ideal....it's a world I'd like to see...

World speed: 0.8 to 1
Unit speed: 0.5 to 0.75
Account manager: 5 villages to enable
Commands: First sent arrives first
Paladin: Yes
Archers: No
Tech: Doesn't really matter...
Fake Limit: 3%
Nighttime Bonus: No
Scavenging: On
Watchtower: No
Militia: Disabled
Noble distance: 30 fields
Barb Nobling: ON
Tribe limit: 20
Leave tribe: Yes/No -- either is ok
Attack tribe: Yes -- I love a friendly fire :D
Support tribe: Yes
Villages spawn per newcomer: 200% -- helpful in increasing the # of available villages to farm or noble, but something like 500% is probably too much.
Account Sitter: Off or 7-day limit with cooldown
Nobleman System: Coins.....no package....
Flags: Yes
Quest System: Yes
World End Condition: Dominance of 30-40% held for 30 consecutive days.
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