
  • Thread starter DeletedUser2368
  • Start date



Did you not read the big thread they made about it? A ton of the top players quit in order to prove a point.


The n00bs's view.

The world was open because there isn't any reason to close! Not for the premium... I have many worlds which stayed open for more time of this world... SPERG ask to close the world, because the world 1 closed! The worlds needn't to close in the same turn that they open... Free-board no-one of the moderation says when the world ends (when the world starts). I think that SPERG find the war with n00bs difficult...



Soo...Sperg disbanded like a bunch of babies?

Learn to read dude. There's a giant thread right on here all about it.

Most all of the top players of SPERG, and the server, were fed up with being ignored for months while requesting NOT THE CLOSE OF THE SERVER, but just a basic outline of actual win conditions.

Since that never came, they, we, decided to stop wasting our time and money, and mass delete.

I personally disbanded the tribe, as i decided to stick around for another week or two til my remaining premium runs out while i attack a few people for giggles.

EDIT: LOL at trying to pretend the tribe NOOBS had anything at all to do with it.

SPERG was, at its core, a group of close friends who have known each other for years. With us gone, it can no longer be SPERG.
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