WARNING - This may save you millions of [put currency here]


Dear You,

Never, ever, ever, eat a pomegranate Jelly Bean. I have saved you [Currency Symbol Here]1,000,000.

If you ate a pomegranate Jelly Bean, you would lose all the money listed above. You would go into debt, then you would get repossessed. All you belongings snatched away from you. You family will leave you as you cannot support anyone financially, and they cannot support you. Your 'home' becomes the stone cold pavement on the edge of an inner city street.

The reason you are in this position, is because the pomegranate just decimated your taste buds- and of course, surgery to get them back costs a lot :/.

Luckily, I spat out my Pomegranate Jelly Bean just in time. You may not be so lucky.

The moral of the story. Check the label on the back of the Jelly Bean box, and destroy all traces of Pomegranate. Its disgusting.