What really ticks you off?


Not seen anything like this on the forum yet, and I have many things to complain about! :D

This is a thread dedicated to all the things under the sun that annoy you.

Feel free to comment on other peoples pet hates so long as you leave your own!

A sample of what really annoys me;

When people don't indicate off a roundabout.
When people talk with food in their mouth,
Crooked picture frames.
Bigots & Racists

But most of all;

Queues & when people cut in-line.

That seriously grinds my gears.


You know what ticks me off?

Nope. But I like this thread, good for "venting"...even though I'm such a man, I don't need that :p

Oh. English final semester project. It's tradition that my group makes a movie. This girl has an idea for the movie, no one likes it, she leaves :mad:

I spend 6 hours writing our script. Now these two other guys, who are normally in our group, sort of got some different style for their movies and it works for them, so no hard feelings between us, but this girl. Dating my friend (he's in my group...didn't leave with her, thank goodness) and she gets all pissed off when we were talking about our movie (I claim jealousy) and her group doesn't even like her idea, but they're not mean like me :p so they don't say no.

Moral of the story. Don't let your best friend date girls who want things their way all the time :D

Funny thing is, that one of those guys in the other group is now asking me to write the script without telling everyone...and he's gonna toss my name in the credits so they all get mad :p

Makes me mad, makes me glad.

Oh. People chewing with their mouth open. Guys. That's gross.


People chewing their mouth open isnt that gross guys :D .
I hate it when I'm playing speed rounds and my net breaks down
I hate it when my co players don't login
I get annoyed when I'm in the toilet and the flush doesn't work
I get annoyed when there are too many girls around me :D (don't know why,but I'm not gay lol )


Ah dude it really is, Chewing with your mouth open, when people do it my blood boils...

Another thing I find that makes me angry.



Snoring doesn't just bother me.

It does bother me when I'm trying to sleep and someone is snoring. ESPECIALLY a girl....


Lol. Why when its a girl?

That *&%$%£"$ bonfire. That really gets on my nerves.
Take it out of the game. Please for pity sake.


3rd nipple

It ticks me off because I havent seen one yet in real life :p


Lol. Why when its a girl?

That *&%$%£"$ bonfire. That really gets on my nerves.
Take it out of the game. Please for pity sake.

Because, in my perfect world, girls don't snore. Just a fact of my life.


It annoys me when a person I don't like, does something I also don't like.