are you serious? theres no way hes been able to trade up that much without paying shitloads of pp. you know why i know? ive got a 3.7 mil account on another world and at most i have blue flags. you only get flags from rewards, OD, and building nobles. kozer has very few in each of those category whereas i have had literally hundreds...dont tell me im ignorant when ive got the experience to back up what im saying because i know what im talkin about here lolAnd whose to say he hasn't been trading up for flags? Making assumptions on topics and players you don't really know about makes you look ignorant. That being said I don't know Caesar...I'm just backing up my tribe mate.
As as far as tup/wup running an op on us. We are prepared. The players here in vet don't plan on rolling over for anyone. Navigator has already lost so many nukes and nobles even he won't be able to keep it up much longer.
Also max. You guys jumped on LV villages after we here in vet utterly destroyed them in the war. They disbanned and you guys jumped on some stragglers. Those are what I call crumbs. Sure nav got a few of our recent nobles but he's paying for it.
things should be getting interesting pretty soon. I don't pretend to know the outcome of what will happen and I won't boast and sat we will destroy you. What I will say is we are prepared for a fight.
just because nav jumped on them didnt mean we all did lol how exactly is nav paying for his recent nobles? sure morale may be killing him against you guys cause youre all so small but nukes rebuild quick. especially with recruitment flags. not to mention nukes are meant to be used. otherwise theyre just sitting in your villages wasting away
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