Wild accusations & baseless speculation


And whose to say he hasn't been trading up for flags? Making assumptions on topics and players you don't really know about makes you look ignorant. That being said I don't know Caesar...I'm just backing up my tribe mate.

As as far as tup/wup running an op on us. We are prepared. The players here in vet don't plan on rolling over for anyone. Navigator has already lost so many nukes and nobles even he won't be able to keep it up much longer.

Also max. You guys jumped on LV villages after we here in vet utterly destroyed them in the war. They disbanned and you guys jumped on some stragglers. Those are what I call crumbs. Sure nav got a few of our recent nobles but he's paying for it.

things should be getting interesting pretty soon. I don't pretend to know the outcome of what will happen and I won't boast and sat we will destroy you. What I will say is we are prepared for a fight.
are you serious? theres no way hes been able to trade up that much without paying shitloads of pp. you know why i know? ive got a 3.7 mil account on another world and at most i have blue flags. you only get flags from rewards, OD, and building nobles. kozer has very few in each of those category whereas i have had literally hundreds...dont tell me im ignorant when ive got the experience to back up what im saying because i know what im talkin about here lol

just because nav jumped on them didnt mean we all did lol how exactly is nav paying for his recent nobles? sure morale may be killing him against you guys cause youre all so small but nukes rebuild quick. especially with recruitment flags. not to mention nukes are meant to be used. otherwise theyre just sitting in your villages wasting away
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Perhaps I am being a bit snarky. You are not crying, but your comments do come across a bit whiney. Chill, baby. Just chill. It is a game for fun. Have fun with it & remember that the ONLY stats that matter are the ones at the end. Remember the thread subject when I make a wild accusation or a baseless speculation. Don't take it to heart.


lol not all the villages were crumbs or recent conquers mind you. also the fact kozer already has a 9% def flag despite being a new account hints at him using a lot of pp. oh the things a credit card can buy you ;D

are you serious? theres no way hes been able to trade up that much without paying shitloads of pp. you know why i know? ive got a 3.7 mil account on another world and at most i have blue flags. you only get flags from rewards, OD, and building nobles. kozer has very few in each of those category whereas i have had literally hundreds...dont tell me im ignorant when ive got the experience to back up what im saying because i know what im talkin about here lol

just because nav jumped on them didnt mean we all did lol how exactly is nav paying for his recent nobles? sure morale may be killing him against you guys cause youre all so small but nukes rebuild quick. especially with recruitment flags. not to mention nukes are meant to be used. otherwise theyre just sitting in your villages wasting away

I mean why not? The Military pays for my housing and insurance. I get mad BAH because I am stationed in Hong Kong + special pay. Super fast internet here too =P I wouldn't judge you if you spent money on flags. And I will freely admit I have. I will also admit I spent some of that because I got attacked by you. lol.


there we go having the man himself validate what i said lol who is the ignorant one now Vampy? :)

also ceaser im not whining merely making a point. a point which has now been proven. what was said earlier was neither a wild accusation nor a baseless speculation so i was sure to point out the true facts :p
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Please stick to the thread topic. No facts please.
This world has declared a 2 day cease fire starting at midnight game server time on October 1st. Thank goodness. We will try to extend the truce & officially change the name of this game to tribal hugs.


Unity is one of the reasons we done well , demolishing ourselves is very unlikely ;)

plus we can handle our drink .! lol
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"Unity... is very unlikely." States one Drunk! insider, alledging, "we can handle...drink"! Fantastic intel sure to shake the very foundations of world 15 here on the tribalwars.US server. Stunned bystanders continue to ask..., " What is tribal wars?"


Unity is one of the reasons we done well , demolishing ourselves is very unlikely ;)

plus we can handle our drink .! lol

im pretty sure there are quite a few other factors contributing to that current success lol
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So... DD basically have 15 under wraps with vet. Is vet going for the win or are they content to play under DD the entire game? It would be nice to see vet at least try to shake things up & make it a contest.


Rumor has it that VET is just another branch of the DD family...how lame :(


A look at the history of Vet will tell you what happened.
They stuck with us when things were difficult, and despite strenuous efforts to get them to turn coat. Now they reap the benefits of that.


Royal Guardian W17
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There can be only one winner. With D/D already being two tribes it's ludicrous to think they'd take in another 40 members, regardless of how loyal they are or were.