Wild accusations & baseless speculation

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I understand the history. It is just the future we look forward to. With vet you have the world on lock easy. It would be more interesting to make it hard. That's all.


looks like the plan is to do the same as the Caos/Chaos/Kaos family on w9 :D

sucks to be players in VET though. all theyll get for helpin seems to be a pat on the head. probably not even that since the mods only declare the top tribe as winner :(


Vet has been a great tribe and is awesome by themselves. If they grow and stay active, They'll be in the winning tribe. Its a long way to winning this world so plenty of time and plenty of people will quit. SO QUIT HATING.
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So... we declared war on drink. Drunk joined the war siding with drink. Not really surprising, right?
Why did vet join the war? Does DD really require help? Yes. They better get more soon.


Please keep the rules in mind when posting on the forums
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Thanks to the antagonist as well for reminding us all to post appropriate comments. Random declarations of love for certain parts of the male anatomy aside, your comments are timely & thought provoking. Completly devoid of any latent homosexual tendancies (he said sarcastically).


Royal Guardian W17
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Vet has been a great tribe and is awesome by themselves. If they grow and stay active, They'll be in the winning tribe. Its a long way to winning this world so plenty of time and plenty of people will quit. SO QUIT HATING.

I hope you're not suggesting enough D/D or Vet players will quit in order to make room for Vet in the "winning tribe". That'd mean you're counting on over half of the current D/D and Vet players quitting :confused:


All they have to do is merge accounts with Vet players, then they can hold them all


youre talking about merging 96 players into 35 accounts...thats nearly 3 players per account not to mention some accounts that already have 2 or even 3+ players. its all a numbers game and the odds arent looking good for those not already in Drunk or even Drink...

in other news with the world age quickly approaching 180 DD/VET have decided that controlling half the world already is too much of a burden and are going to disband and then mass delete leaving NIMBY with the victory :D
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Good one. Fact is we have carried DD & vet on our shoulders long enough. Our alliance is over. Prepare for war you tribe hugging, barb munching, tea drinking people. Gloves off. When the dust clears we will see which tribes belong on 15.
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Errr.... didn't we do that already?
Oh ... and keep your mitts off my tea!