W25 NewsLetter: Opening Days

bidam veer

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so,what's new here?
i do not care,hinestly...i just wanted to make 100 posts on us server.but,i noticed that after free left,nothing interested happened on map,and more important on this forum.come on,guys...start fighting each others on this thread.it will be fun:)))


C* and C** Have slowly been trying to move into the South West while still managing to get into a war with savages. Trust has just been quietly holding hands with C* in the background while Wolves crumbled apart the past week.

Other than that nothing else


After Savages used for C* coming to a stop, shame on whoever didn't see this being the ultimate otucome.

bidam veer

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i do not understand what is happening.C and savage are best friends,they supposed to win w 25 together.do not tell me that they are starting to fight each other now:)))


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So Savage was truly a bitch in the end I guess,eh?Made C trust them,then screwed them hard.
Well played boyz,well played.But maybe next time fight like men,not babies.
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bidam veer

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one more time,i was right...savage used C.i am bored to be always right.but what i can do?just to get used with that:)))


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Kawoniiii why u edit my post and say babies instead of what I said the first time ? xD
Don't you like cats?


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Well that's what I told them,that they shouldn't fight like cats and u removed cats and added babies.
Damn these forum rules :D

I'm calling animal police.


Lol nobody screwed C*, Maximus made himself believe there was a merge and pulled a Free! move and tried to recruit us all. Then he quit after he started the war lol.

How is everyone anyways? Still mad or all better?


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Never been mad,just disappointed by you guys.

And btw,maximusss made himself believe that?Huh...That's bs.And you know it.
Nice to see you guys in w26 though,I hope this time the world will end with a war,rather than hugs and back stabbing combined.

bidam veer

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Lol nobody screwed C*, Maximus made himself believe there was a merge and pulled a Free! move and tried to recruit us all. Then he quit after he started the war lol.

How is everyone anyways? Still mad or all better?
not only better...i never thought that i can be more handsome and smarter,but i was wrong.i get smarter and more handsome from my last post.
About C(or it was D..not,it was G:))),sagave and maqimuzz...i wish them all the best:).another world ,another shit world on us server.nothing new.everything is old,same boring scenario:)


Meh, the world has not gone to shit yet. Your hero cookies N cream is still going strong.

bidam veer

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Meh, the world has not gone to shit yet. Your hero cookies N cream is still going strong.
bad news for you:most of time,heroes do not see the end of war.only the cowards and traitors.it;s just a matter of time until the hero cookies n cream will meet his end....
btw,the god will watch over this war and make fun of warriors.and i am the TW god:)))


Doesn't matter what outcome comes tbh. My cos (karen&Jeppe) and I already fulfilled our goal on this world, on this server. We started here, without knowing anyone whatsoever, just with the sole intention of having a tiny bit of fun, then that goal slowly morphed into us wanting to do one of the fastest start up phases considering farming on this world is horrendous, and what we've accomplished thus far, I do feel I can tap myself on the back.

Whatever happens from now on, really doesn't matter, regardless of what occurs we'll stay here as long as we have a village, and not make up some bullshit excuse for quitting like most do. Winning just isn't that important to us, if bragging rights were the goal, I could post endless stats right now if everyone here so desired, if winning was our goal, we would have already taken the countless opportunities to join Conquest or Savage, even Free! at the time, whether as coplayers or as an account.

What our goal is, to simply leave our reputation as an account before we go back to .net servers, and the fact that people have gone out of their way to recruit us as either co's or players, considering that no one knows us here on this server, makes me feel that we've accomplished our goal already.

So not just trying to pull the typical self righteous act on externals as most people have already seen, and are probably tired of seeing, but in reality, we are just indifferent about it all.

-TD |Karen |Jeppe
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bidam veer

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someone screwed maximuss...that's all.no matter what is said,2-3 weeks ago,all of them were friends planning to end the world together(savage+C,maximus+savage leaders).it's only savage now.and that explains everything....i thought that maximuss can be a smart guy,but in the end i was wrong.in my last message sent to him i told him one last thing:C has the numbers and Savage has the quality.with some new quality in C,maximuss will had a chance against savage.but,he made his own choices.the wrong ones,from what we all see.


Maximus was going to get screwed regardless, if they had sided with free against Savage, surely I think savage would have lost, those mnumbers are overwhelming,however surely free would have done the same thing to them that savage did. What I would have done If I were C*, wait til the war prolongs months, then scavange on them, but I guess maximuss didnt think that far ahead.

bidam veer

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Maximus was going to get screwed regardless, if they had sided with free against Savage, surely I think savage would have lost, those mnumbers are overwhelming,however surely free would have done the same thing to them that savage did. What I would have done If I were C*, wait til the war prolongs months, then scavange on them, but I guess maximuss didnt think that far ahead.
you are wrong...i proposed him something more different.he wouldn't listen,his mistake. from my short experience on us server,i saw that it;s more easy to trust and believe an enemy then your alliance:)


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Bidam is right.When Free was pretty much done,we offered to help him against Savage,not all of Free.Just a few players.If he would have agreed to our proposal,C*+ 6-7 Free members could have beaten Savage.But he refused and we tried to convince him that there will be no merge,that he will be screwed.

His answer was:we are brothers.We will not fight,we will merge.
So no he didn't think far ahead,he thought he already won the world.It's rather stupid,he caused the loss of his tribe just like that,over his own assumptions regarding Savage.And with our terms,he would have had a shot at winning the world because 7 Free players would have remained vs 50 of C*,which wouldn't have been easy for us to win,so he had his fair shot and refused thinking we would somehow back stabb him when in fact really,what we offered was a 7 vs 50 war after Savage was done instead of C* vs Savage.