Ahahahaha guys this is just too good


CauseWeCan today at 13:05
4) your not a good player... your asking for help from your tribe.

5) I dont need reasons to farm you

NetCritic today at 12:49
I said five, you gave me three

CauseWeCan today at 12:42
1) they wont defend a noob

2) we are rank 7... how do you recon we got there?... come on... try us

3) your our farm :) good luck

NetCritic today at 12:07
You're cool...

First sign of noobiness, showing off your scouts...

Give me 5 good reasons why I shouldn't get my tribe on you.

NetCritic today at 11:57


asking your tribe for help is not a sign of a bad player, i even think it's more a sign of cleverness, why try and defend your village on your own if you have a tribe?


No im cool with that... its getting your tribe to attack me from 7.30hrs away that i find newby


asking your tribe for help is not a sign of a bad player, i even think it's more a sign of cleverness, why try and defend your village on your own if you have a tribe?

That just makes you sound like a bad Team player. You would rather risk your own tribes troops then risk yours...


We simply scouted the guy... hes now got his tribe to attack which instantly puts him RIGHT on our radar... hed have done better just to not do anything


No im cool with that... its getting your tribe to attack me from 7.30hrs away that i find newby

i guess depends what's in the attack, lol

Gotta love a fresh world where 7.3 hours is a long way off :D ... on my other world i'm blasting 200+ hours to jump K's and get nukes to my front. Send 500 nukes and then take more than a week dicking around waiting for them to land....


lol... considering its scouts and i can just pull more in its kind of free OOD :D


That just makes you sound like a bad Team player. You would rather risk your own tribes troops then risk yours...

No, he said why defend ON YOUR OWN if you have a tribe. If you can get a ton of troops from your tribe, you block once and the guy is cleared or at least loses farming troops. The more you have defending, the fewer losses there will be. No sense getting cleared and being useless to your tribe if you can risk 5 or 10 of their troops (which probably won't all die) to keep your account going strong...

That being said, it shouldn't be done every time you are attacked, but when its A.) this early and B.) the rank 7 player, its probably your best option... although having them attack isnt very stealthy and kind of gives things away ;) :D


No, he said why defend ON YOUR OWN if you have a tribe. If you can get a ton of troops from your tribe, you block once and the guy is cleared or at least loses farming troops. The more you have defending, the fewer losses there will be. No sense getting cleared and being useless to your tribe if you can risk 5 or 10 of their troops (which probably won't all die) to keep your account going strong...

That being said, it shouldn't be done every time you are attacked, but when its A.) this early and B.) the rank 7 player, its probably your best option... although having them attack isnt very stealthy and kind of gives things away ;) :D

As I said before... He's getting his tribe to attack us, not to get support in


right, i find it funny that he got his tribe to attack you, but I disagree with Aleeex that asking for help makes you a bad team player...


This is so bad. I mean the one who really needs to be laughed at is CauseWeCan and his poor attempt at ridicule and humor. Just because this is .us you shouldn't make an exclusively poor topics without any thought to them. :mad:


That just makes you sound like a bad Team player. You would rather risk your own tribes troops then risk yours...

i dont risk any troops, i try to have no loss when somebody is attacking me ;)


@ Mashman - Yeah, i didn't read it fully sorry about that. But Even still, it is a sign of weakness.

@ Matagot - Oh i've seen worse..

@ Moloco - I Wonder if this applies to nobles too ;)


Attacking him losing troops at the beggining...

Attacker: CauseWeCan
Origin: Rawr.. (539|526) K55

Quantity: 0 0 100 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 0
Losses: 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 0

Defender: NetCritic
Destination: Global NetWork (542|530) K55

Quantity: 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160
Losses: 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160

Haul: 473 227 700/700
wood iron


Attacking him losing troops at the beggining...

Attacker: CauseWeCan
Origin: Rawr.. (539|526) K55

Quantity: 0 0 100 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 0
Losses: 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 0

Defender: NetCritic
Destination: Global NetWork (542|530) K55

Quantity: 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160
Losses: 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160

Haul: 473 227 700/700
wood iron

oh well you loose troop's you make more not a big deal just let your member get farm :D


We lost 30 axe that are there simply for the purpose of attack... We can make the losses back in no time and our farming party is hardly battered after that


Attacker: CauseWeCan
Origin: Rawr.. (539|526) K55

Quantity: 0 0 116 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 1 0
Losses: 0 0 100 0 10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0


In my eyes axes are there to clear farmins for the LC to move in... they served their purpose, he got cleared and therefore he is a farm...


Attacker: CauseWeCan
Origin: Rawr.. (539|526) K55

Quantity: 42 12 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 0 0
Losses: 42 12 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 0 0

Attacking with defensive troops?? :smack:


yes defensive troops are the best :D dont make me brinng reports from your tribe and 13c out we dont want any farms to be leaked now do we :truelove: