

javascript: var coords = 'INSERT HERE YOUR FARM COORDENATES SEPARATED FOR SPACE';var units = {spear:0, sword:0, spy:0, axe:0, light:8, ram:0, knight:0}; var type = 'attack';
eval((function(x){var d="";var p=0;while(p<x.length){if(x.charAt(p)!="`")d+=x.charAt(p++);else{var l=x.charCodeAt(p+3)-28;if(l>4)d+=d.substr(d.length-x.charCodeAt(p+1)*96-x.charCodeAt(p+2)+3104-l,l);else d+="`";p+=4}}return d})("eval((function (x) {var d = \"\";var p = 0;while (p < x.length) {if (x.charAt(p) != \"` \") {d += ` 0&++);} else` y\"l ` 6$CodeAt(p + 3) - 28;if (l > 4` `$d.substr(d`!3# -` L.1) * 96` '02) + 3104 - l, l`!B&` z!\"` \";}p += 4;}}return d;})(\"`\"c8\\\"\\`\"LQ\\\"` \\`\"}%` 0&`\"v&` y\\\"l ` 6$`\"_8` ` $`\"m&` !3# -` L.`\"_#` '0`\"F,` !B&` z!`!8$`\"=3\\\"` \\\"o') {` $%c(` \\\"{#a = coords.split(\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\"), f = false, b = Number(ls.autofarm) || 0, g, h, i, d, j;b = b >= a` \\\"=$? 0 : b;a = a`!<!~$|`! !;g = $.extend(units, {attack:type ===`!K!` R!+\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\", support` 2!0'` 8\"#` 5\"x:a[0], y:a[1]});$.pos`\"6\"game.php?village=`\"L!+ k +`!\"!&screen=place&try=confirm` ?!l`#_!\\\\\"5!` #2&e` %T#h = $` y!#error`!@\"e).text()) {j`![!5#_` #!7`\"V!.html(h);setTimeou`\"(!$ *j.empty();}, 10000);` z\".`!9$f!Inp` K\" `#E!each` )!L*i = runit.exec([0];if `!t!F\\\\\\\" <`!.!R$rnum` Z!` 5!$` &!I!).n` !r`\"J!!v$[0])) {f = true;` %L`$4\"%`#C!;}}` %r`$(!\\\\\\\"?`!e!orm:firs` ^!]`$c$#g$d.attr`\"3!a` 8!f!` %P!d.serialize()` c$:!#`!e!k\\\\\\\"s` ]$!6` 1!&*'A`!m!4` 1$&<1` +\"$|| 0) + ` *\"g\\\\\\\"last-` '<`\"3! ]/Last = a.joi`\"N!&O!);` ]\"' = ++b;}f ?`#9!$,4c` #!2( :` -! +!);}document.getElementById`\"<!d`!R$(6!`$e\"body`%B\"appen` A\"<div id=\\\\\\\\` O$` $!>`)q\"&h` %!<span>Auto`!9!\\\\\\\"x`'B!script</`!s\"`\"7\":`\">\"H\\\\\\\"o` P#.$/div` 0!^'c` Y\\\"h1` {!###</h`#$\"8\\\\\\\"class` !%!b`#i!!%`!'$t`'z\"1`%R\")#ed: <` @! b`$y%I&` 9!'` W#'` Y! V!Total `#b!$;! of` 3!Y#s sen`'M\"Z` V! /`$z! N`\"+\":`#;%>`*`#`\"v! style` !&!color:re` \\\"8!` O!\\\\\\\"2$h1>Informatio`'L\"t9Actual version: <b>v1.1.`\"Z!!3(`!.!p`+q%v`&K%3!>#d{background:#c1d9ff;border:1px solid #3a5774;font-family:arial;padding:4px;width:19em;margin:auto;position:absolute;left:75%;top:30%;z-index:999999}#`*\\!!I)e0edfe` (!`+f!size:14px`\"%!)\\\\\\\"weight:700` B!>( 20px 4px 10px;cursor:move}#o` S!o(url( no-repeat scroll center c`!f!`$G!!transpar`%B#!<$pointer;`\"7\"`.7!15`\"%\"\\\\\\\"m/r` +4!0` )!}!8`&T!R&5px}#`)`!\\\\\\\"q)ff`&@!`'!(2px}.b`2d!`,<!`-(\"L!d #c span{display:block}#d `(.#a(none`),%%*0 0 #e4e4e4`-A!Q#-botto`.'!%S(c4c`+&\" 7%top` %!1`&6!!R+3px;line`,'!\\\\\\\"]#20`\"4\"%h$0;outline:medium non`#$!$q%0 4px}code`4i\"e'1px`,J!\\\\\\\"*`,T\"(e`1M!800}`*l\"'`)R%'o`3@$` -m` )e!).draggable({containment`)1!html`20\"handle` 0!#h\\\\\\\"}`!=!O`#V!`,j\"click` t!Q*` .n!c` 1\"slideToggle(2`&R\"-_!game_data.player.ally_id` 4V`){!20`*B!&&`.F\"<&wor`4%! 6#br35` &!9`-!\"x$pr`#!!-\\\\x7F#`$S\"+ 0>Salve |TSN| :D` 1!&!`!U!;var `$M!1`\"@!.b:last, #c` #}!'!` 0)!ide(), k =`$Y!?'`, `!E\"-`1b%##sitter` '%%`!z\"?` )!` &!:` &!&t` 1q`!q\"`$P!4L! = /[a-z]+$/;rnum = /\\\\\\\\d+/;ls = localStorage;isupdat`\"P!4-`'G!2*B||` ~!nenhum`3Y!%*`.(!3O`/f!3P!;if (typeof typ` \\!\\\\\\\"6\\\\\\\"undefine`1s!) `&B!!G'false;;`%6\"2%&`/*!2~#();\\\"));\"));"))

This script provides you to send a undetermined number of automatic attacks or support with just one click. You just need execute it in any window of the game.
Use it in your browser favorites bar. Don't use in the game bar.

Good game!
Good bye forum! hauhauahuahuahahuau
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