Challenges Discussion


There was no area to discuss this in the forums, so i figured to start one.

Challenge - Prize
Upgrade the most Smithy levels - +10% increased iron production
Kill the least of your own units - +10% haul capacity
Destroy the most Wall levels - +10% increased clay production
Defeat the most Light cavalry - +10% increased wood production

Starting at the top, the prizes are all so weak at only 10%. Even at 20% for the one day, this would be next to nothing of an increase for production. Crunch the numbers and see what someone actually gains from this challenge... challenge... lol which brings us to part 2.

upgrade the most smithy levels... this is a challenge? i think somewhere along the lines, there was a miscommunication and it should have been DESTROY the most levels.

kill the least of your units... lol here is a good challenge for all those turtles. lets give a prize to the players that usually sit there and dont do a dam thing. and whats even better than that? lets give them a prize for farming!

Rewards are stingy and short term.
1. they should be combined with other bonuses to make more desirable
example: 50% all res production + 25% troop production
2. they should last for a longer duration than 1 day. (maybe a week)
3. they should be more than 10%. DO THE MATH, THIS IS NEAR NOTHING.

Challenges are weak. its flim flam! <been waiting to use that one..
1. encourage players to send commands and participate with their tribe, not to sit and do nothing!
2. take into consideration that the challenge should not be a greater cost than the reward. this would make the reward pointless to pursue and the entire challenges thing a failure.
3. ive said to much already.


Agree, rewards need a boost.

+10% haul barely makes a difference. Example, if you farm 100M for the day, you could bring 110M with the reward <-- near worthless. Put in some real work and loot 500M but again with reward only bring 550M <-- won't even get you to the next hundred. Offer up at least a +30% reward and players that could bring in 500M would be aiming for the 1B mark.

Deleted User - 419875

Thank you for the feedback this is the kind of feedback that we need to help us better the game.


so whats the point of the inventory if it doesn't even safe the rewards you win?

today's challenge is kill least of your own troops, so i figured why not farm.
now i find out that the haul bonus i will win wont even be savable. making it
pointless for me to want to win it.


Also what is the difference between All Participants and All Worlds? Aren't all participants also all worlds?