Earthquake world


Thanks Option C for making an interesting Facebook: Tribal Wars - United States
Question of the day: What would be an unusual or different setting for a new world you would like to see?

My idea:
If the speed of the worlds would be faster you can introduce something new: earthquake. Every month an earthquake happens and every player looses 1 out of 10 villages. You dont know which villages you loose. You can be lucky and loose only small villages or you loose that big important village. Players that are not active enough will loose and quit earlier. When it will happen will be know: players will use their nobles before the deadline, not risking to loose a village full of nobles. For smaller than 10 villages you can make a rule, with 5 villages you will loose a village every 2nd month.
It is important the world speed is faster so villages can be build faster and a village is mature within that month.

And thanks U6s5l for suggesting I should also post it here.


Oh that could be our w5 world! Imagine all the players that would come in for a world like that! Thats a great idea


Don't see how this would enhance game-play in any way.

If you can give some reasons as to why this would be a good idea, I'd be surprised :p


Increased risk, a new altered game style that would require players to budget attacks out to land at certain times, be sent at certain times, etc. to get the maximum use out of it. If not that, then at least the new attempt at a feature (even if it failed) would draw players to our server, which would help the server grow.


1. fun

2. new

3. entertaining

4. faster game play

5. more risk

6. more strategy

7. faster nobling

8. more skill

9. would need dedication

10. most noobs would quit fast

11. show that us server is different in a good way

12. attract good players looking for a new kind of challange.


Increased risk, a new altered game style that would require players to budget attacks out to land at certain times, be sent at certain times, etc. to get the maximum use out of it. If not that, then at least the new attempt at a feature (even if it failed) would draw players to our server, which would help the server grow.

The "premium to cut building times" feature was supposed to do that I thought, but it is widely disliked by people who already played elsewhere first. So I wouldn't say that it would necessarily draw players here.

1. fun
Wouldn't know that prior to testing.

2. new
Not a good thing, not a bad thing. Wouldn't know which until it's being tested.

3. entertaining
I disagree. It could well be manipulated.

4. faster game play
Not necessarily a good thing.

5. more risk

6. more strategy

7. faster nobling
Not necessarily.

8. more skill
It would rely on pot luck for which village gets lost - that isn't skill.

9. would need dedication

10. most noobs would quit fast
That wouldn't benefit Innogames, as they would lose potential revenue. It would also kill the world faster.

11. show that us server is different in a good way

12. attract good players looking for a new kind of challange.
It isn't coming across as a "new challenge", but a new inconvenience to a reasonable game.

I don't see anything that is really beneficial to the server or the game in this suggestion. It seems a bit like when someone suggested adding witches and wizards to the game - completely pointless in reality.


Well alot of players would want to play with the new risk.


Well alot of players would want to play with the new risk.

In your opinion. Only 4 people have posted in this thread, so that is not something that can be stated as fact. I would suspect that a lot of people wouldn't like this suggested setting ingame, because they would lose some things they worked hard for.


In your opinion. Only 4 people have posted on this thread, so that is not something that can be stated as a fact. I would suspect that a lot of people would like this suggested settings ingame, because of the increased risk.


Which I already handled by saying "I would suspect that" - I never stated a fact in the post you replied to.

The increased risk isn't something that would be appreciated by a large proportion of players I suspect, as a huge amount of people quit if they lose villages - it would most likely be seen as a punishment more than anything else, as that is the only other way you lose villages without another player capping them.


If you are not active then this world wont be for you and that is/should be fine. The whole point of new worlds is for a contrast in settings.


doesn't matter who is going to be for(active or inactive),what is matter is as long as i'm register to this game i should have the same chances as anyone

but in the end it will be about money and i'm sure that the administrators wouldn't be agree with something like this because it will mean less money(i think)


Umm if lots of players from different servers came to play a unique world I wouldn't call It losing money. Besides, you won't have the same chances as everyone else if you are inactive no matter what where or how you play.


when i said inactive i didn't mean 2 day inactive or 1 week inactive, meant if someone has a job from 8 am to 4 pm(and have no co-pl) so i will have less time online then you because you use co-pl or have more free time then me(i'm speaking generally now) and of course you have and advantage but this is just because of free time or coplaying not because of server settings(alot of because i now :) )
let put it this way
if you have co-pl and more free time then me and i have a job and not using co-pl,of course you'll be faster then me on nobling vills
so when i reach 10 villages you probably will have 30 vills
then if this "earthquake" come we are going to lose 1 vill each
but for you it will be not such a big deal as for me
that means that the settings of the world gives you an advantage against me
and this should not happen anywhere on tw servers
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I like where you are coming from with this idea, as it is outside the box, and that is what i like to see.


Imagine this situation:
You spent several nights farming, to make troops on some village, and then, all your hard work goes down, imagine how this would be a harmful idea..
And this would change a lot the tech's used on the game.
I like the tribal wars the way it is :D
Of course, some changes on the maps, on the design are only for the improvement of the game, but your idea would be, at least, polemic.