fake script issue


I have always used OP planner on .net and it works here as well, but the script it generates does nto do nothing

Javascript: $.getScript("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24469843/Tribalwars/Scripts/op_gen.js"); void(0);

that is the op planner script which generates a script for who evers profile you used it on and it is like this

javascript:var coords = '637|511 637|510 638|512 640|513 637|508 637|521 642|521 638|518 641|520 639|520 643|523 640|515 636|516 639|509 636|513 636|511 637|506';function fnFillRallyPoint(){var coord=coords.split(' ');var coordSplit=coord[Math.floor(Math.random()*coord.length)].split('|');document.forms[0].x.value=coordSplit[0];document.forms[0].y.value=coordSplit[1];var scouts=parseInt(document.forms[0].spy.nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML.match(/\d+/),10);if(scouts>0){document.forms[0].spy.value=1;}var rams=parseInt(document.forms[0].ram.nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML.match(/\d+/),10);if(rams>0){document.forms[0].ram.value=1;}else{var cats=parseInt(document.forms

but when you run it either from quick key or quickbar, nothing happens,

please help, thank you


Unfortunately, because the script is hosted on dropbox, in order to fix the script it generates you'd need to access the hosted script. You cannot do so, so we can't fix the script itself. Try, when using that, to use "5", which I believe is Dale's generator. That should work. If not, not sure how to help you.


Maybe I think you're using the wrong script, but normally when I run that script on a player's page it asks me which generator I'd like to use. Does it not for you?


Javascript: var coords = ' ';$.getScript('http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24469843/Tribalwars/Scripts/basic_FakeScript.js');void(o);

This script works fine you just need to add co ords in and change default from 1 ram 1 scout dependent on minimum fake rules