Forum rules


Welcome to the Tribalwars United States Forums.

In order to keep our community safe and enjoyable please adhere to the following rules:


As with all other aspects of the game, this forum is English only. Please limit other languages to well known (or translated) short quotes or phrases and use only when appropriate in the situation.


Please treat each other with respect and remain polite. Do not forget that there are people of different ages and with different gaming ‘know-how’. Therefore, please stay patient if questions arise that you may consider “stupid” or “childish”.

You may use tactics to provoke your opponents in terms of ‘Politics & Propaganda’ as long as it stays game-based. Personal insults are not allowed anywhere in this forum or in any ‘other’ private format. Please make sure that all insults or “flames” are strictly game-related. Any Real Life (RL) related insults will be strictly punished.

Users are not allowed to impersonate moderators or any other member of the Tribalwars staff. Trying to act as one is forbidden and will lead to a warning. Players are also forbidden to provoke the moderators against them in a deliberate way. Posts made for the purpose of creating a personal conflict between users and staff will be deleted and their author will be punished severely. Players who deliberately act against the building of a community will be denied access to these forums.

Extreme and inappropriate content

Anything deemed politically extreme, pornographic, illegal, or unsavory in any way is prohibited in this game whether posted or referenced. Racist or ethnic bashing comments are forbidden even if used in jest. Mentioning drugs is allowed, but comments that play down the use of illegal drugs or promote the use of said substances are strictly forbidden. Please note that starring out words or characters like “F*ck” does not make it any less of a swear word. Censored words are still infractable. If the word isn’t violating any rules, it won’t need to be censored. All rules regarding inappropriate content apply also to abbreviations like “WTF” or “LMFAO” and suchlike.


Please post answers/comments that are relevant and relate/refer to the thread topic. If you cannot post a sensible answer it is better to avoid saying anything. This is particularly true for one-word-posts like “lol”, “w0rd” or “rofl”. To avoid repetition of arguments especially in long discussions you should always read the whole topic before posting. Please do not feed the trolls and do not post in threads that are likely to be deleted. Posts like “In before lock” are forbidden.

Please reread the text before posting it to avoid mistakes. Your text might be read by hundreds of players so make sure it is understandable. Be economical with quotations! Quote only the relevant parts so that posts won't get unnecessarily long.

Topics and/or posts that are created solely for the purpose of advertising other websites without connection to “InnoGames” are forbidden. “Referrer-ID's” and thief-game-links are particularly unwanted. Discussions relating to other games are allowed.

Text must be in a readable color for entire posts.

Creating threads

Please take a moment before posting a new topic and make sure you are posting in the correct forum so the administrators don't have to move it later. Please be aware that some sub-forums have additional rules. Read them and follow their rules before posting.

Prior to posting a new topic please make sure that there has not already been a similar topic. Please choose appropriate titles when creating a topic. Avoid incomplete or attention seeking names as they are deemed unfavorable. Generalized titles such as “question”, “help”, “lol” should also be avoided.

Grammar/spelling flames

It is not allowed to rebuke another user concerning his grammar/spelling. If the grammar/spelling of a user is that bad, that the content gets lost, you can use the “report post” feature to report the post. Then an admin or mod will deal with it.


It is allowed to post pictures and graphics without any comment as long as they obviously belong to the topic of the thread and don’t violate any rules regarding the content. Pictures are restricted to a maximum size of 700×700 pixels. If you need to post something larger than that, please provide only a linked thumbnail, a link to the picture or place the image into a spoiler. Do not use copyrighted materials of any kind in your posts.

Use of private messages

Conversations, discussions and arguments between two people should be done in private. Please use the private message system in this forum or other applications (e.g. IRC, Skype, ...)

Reporting posts and complaints

All members have the right to report posts made by members of the forum. The function () should be used only to report posts that break the rules and must be accompanied by a reason for the report. After the report has been sent it will be checked by a moderator. Abuse of the report system is prohibited and violators will be warned or in extreme cases banned.

To report the breaching of rules by another player In Game please use the support system. Do not open complaint topics in the forum. Any reference to infractions, punishments, bans, ban discussion, cheating (forum or in game) or contents of support tickets in general is forbidden. The Tribalwars team will act with discretion in all situations. This is to maintain the privacy that stands between moderators and players, and we expect that privacy to be upheld by players also. This means that posts in the forum about Forum Moderation/infractions/bans and any In-game moderation of the same degree are NOT allowed.

Avatars and signatures

Animated images are not allowed. Avatars and signatures have to follow all rules regarding manners, language and appropriate contents. Links to other games or the usage of quote-generators (such as those from factorizer) are forbidden.

Any unspoilered signature may not exceed 700px in width or 120px in height. This is the maximum size limit for the entire signature, not for individual components. Two pictures of 120px in height one above the other = 240px, and is thus illegal. Any unspoilered combination of items that exceeds a total of 700px by 120px is illegal and will be punished.

Signatures are limited to one spoiler per signature, if you choose to use it. A spoilered signature cannot exceed 700px in width by 300px in height.

Below is a list of the height values in pixels we have assigned the different items your signature may contain:
A line of normal-sized text (size 2) = 15px
A line of small text (size 1) = 10px
A blank line = 15px
A bb-code quote (1 line) = 65px
A bb-code quote (2 or 3 lines) = 80px
Spoiler = 50px
A picture = whatever height it has (viewable by right-clicking it and selecting properties)
Forum-native emotes = 15 px


The moderators (mods) of the forum are volunteers recruited by the admin and/or community manager.
Moderator: Only have rights in the specific forums they moderate, nowhere else. They will moderate fairly and will answer any questions you have that they are able to.

Super Moderator: Overseers of the moderators, these people are the ones to go to if you have a problem with any of the forum-level moderation or if you have any questions on moderation in general.
In game moderators are not connected to the forum.

If you have a problem with the moderation of any subforum or the forum in general, please do not create a topic about it. Contact the Super Moderator with your problem and we will either explain the reasons or do our best to solve the problem should one exist. Creating topics only serves to increase public unrest and will not solve any problems.

If you wish to create a topic regarding moderation, please contact the relevant moderator or Super moderator first. You may find a list of all moderators and their assigned forums in this overview.

The mods have a very tough job: It can be hard to keep the balance between a clean forum and a fun forum on a daily basis, and they also receive a lot of negative comments and abuse regularly. We would ask that you remain patient with all moderators and that you would be helpful and polite when talking to them; this will make their job that much easier, and in turn make the forum a more pleasant place.
A Mod and/or Super Mod, will never play a world that they mod on, to prevent bias.


Breaching of the assigned rules will lead to an initial warning. The use or creation of other accounts to evade the blocking of the forum account is not allowed and will lead to a permanent ban of the evading account and prolongs the ban of the original account. This also includes posting on behalf of a banned member. In extreme cases a permanent account ban can be issued for the forum and for the game if persistent ban evading occurs.

The moderators have the right to edit or delete posts and close topics. Please follow their instructions. If you notice that your post or topic was deleted, it has been removed for a good reason. Please do not rewrite it. If need be, PM the moderator in question about why it was removed.

Please note that the staff reserve the right to ban or infract players even if they haven't violated the stated forum rules.

As perhaps already known, infractions expire. What this means is that each person has a number of ‘points’ on the record, very similar to points on a driver’s license. If you compile 6 infraction points, you will be automatically banned, similar to a driver’s license being suspended. The ban lasts until enough of the infraction points expire at which point the poster will have 5 points or less.


Topics posted in the “Script Approval” forum need to be approved by a moderator before they are seen by other users. Please do not repost those or open other topics to ask why they weren't approved. If a topic in those forums hasn't been approved for a few days and you believe it should be you can PM the moderator responsible for the forum.

You are only allowed one forum account, the same as ingame, if found to have 2 accounts we will remove/ban one of the accounts.

The “Applications” forum is being moderated in the same way, your personal data and applications will not be seen by the community to keep your privacy. They will be seen by elder moderators, administrators and community managers only.

If you are unsure as to whether something is against the rules or not, please contact a moderator before you go ahead with it! We will advise you as soon as possible on whether it is allowed on the forum or not.

Best Regards,

Tribalwars Team .US

Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. - Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983)
Last edited by a moderator: