Hi There everyone.

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Hi Im Nicodemus. Im new to the game and have already created a gang. One little problem though is that I need people to join. If you want to join just post it here and Ill auto invite. I need people by tommorrow to be given almost all the rights so I can trust them to be in charge of the tribe due to personal reasons. I need someone to take over for at least a month or longer. Also My gang is mainly just a neutral information center. We will fight a few tribes now and then, but mainly we are just gathering info and observing.


If you're going away for a while you might want to join another tribe, it's tough having the duke away for a month. Also if you're new to the game you should try and find a good tribe that can teach you the advanced strategies of the game and how to lead. :) But try mailing people around you.

Also this would be the wrong section, the recruitment section for world 1 is here.

Have fun playing. :)


Thank you. I didnt think it out really. I just hate having to take orders, but your right. I'll just go and disband the tribe then recreate it when Im a stronger lvl. Thank you for the help.


It's best not to dive right into leading a tribe until you know what you're doing in-game yourself.
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