How does unit speed work?


So us22 has the unit speed 0.8 and world speed 1.2, if I check the wiki then the speed for a spear unit is 18. How do I calculate the speed for a spear unit on world 22 then?

I know that you can find all unit speed here:

But what is the calculation because 18*0.8*1.2 ins't equal to the amount given in the link above.


The terminology is inconsistent.

The settings for unit speed and world speed are actual speeds: stuff per time.
The so-called "speed" of a unit is the number of minutes it takes to travel 1 field on the map: time per stuff.

Increasing the world or unit speed increases the distance that can be traveled within a time (or decreases the time to travel a distance; however you want to think of it).

(18 minutes / 1 field) * (1 / 0.8) * (1 / 1.2)
= 18 / 0.8 / 1.2
= 18.75


The terminology is inconsistent.

The settings for unit speed and world speed are actual speeds: stuff per time.
The so-called "speed" of a unit is the number of minutes it takes to travel 1 field on the map: time per stuff.

Increasing the world or unit speed increases the distance that can be traveled within a time (or decreases the time to travel a distance; however you want to think of it).

(18 minutes / 1 field) * (1 / 0.8) * (1 / 1.2)
= 18 / 0.8 / 1.2
= 18.75

Thank you, it makes sense now. :D