Interviews, what's on your mind? ;]


Whats in the minds of average players? leaders? How are tribes doing. Now we hear about the top 20 players and tribes. But what about other players. whats on there minds? If you like it/bored and also would like to be interviewed then send me a message.

I decided to interview someone that i somewhat admire his tribe.

Alight, ill ask few question at a time.

How long have you been playing?- 3-4 years since 23 on .net
What do you think about W4 as for the tribes and players?- its alot easier than what im used to but there still are alot of good members here for sure and a couple good tribes as far as competition goes
Do you see alot of threats for you Tribe?
- not really

Where do you see yourself and your tribe in 2-3 weeks?- top ten at least
what tribe do you think will fail?-its to hard to keep up with their names just the sparta family
What tribe or tribes do you repect?- i really like 15:42
Final question. Is there anything you would like other tribes to know?- that i am a really big noob and you should totally underestimate me and my tribe

Haha, so we see he doesn't have any worries, and he seems to know where he is headed. And maybe not yet but give it some time and he will respect my tribe to ;] Jk
Well good luck to him and i hope he continues to have luck and skill on his side.
Thank you for keeping up with todays interview! Until Next time!


Yea, congrats, its the first thing that your first at ;D jk. i should have put a few jokes but oh well, ill learn how to make it more interesting.


What is on my mind....hmmmm

TNA is the biggest joke I have ever seen on any server. I can't believe players join that tribe. They don't attack, they don't support, they are not active, and their leader is, well.....absent.

They do make good farms though....


What is on my mind....hmmmm

TNA is the biggest joke I have ever seen on any server. I can't believe players join that tribe. They don't attack, they don't support, they are not active, and their leader is, well.....absent.

They do make good farms though....

Haha, your right on that one. They wanted my tribe to be an academy saying that if we don't then our tribe will be in danger. HAH! They will fall soon :] just like there entire family if they continue to clutter my area.

And on another note. The first interview with NOISE!!!! Should've taken pictures xD

How long have you been playing?
Me personally have played 4 worlds so far.w51,US2,US3,US4. But Ali and Sett and Keith(my previous co who left for a while) have over 3 years experience each.

What do you think of this world?
it is pretty competitive for top players compared to previous worlds.there is always fights and bragging going on in our tribe skype chat about who is getting more hauls and daily awards.
But tribes mostly have been kind of disappointing

Do you see any threats for you or your tribe since you guys have so many points?
cant call them threats,but we could have some troubles over nobling 15:42 members since they have much defensive troops.

And im sure players are wondering this, do you have a life
Yeah I do,and have a good one XD .thats why we are 3 players on account instead of 1 :p
wow, impressive. so much experience and you make a good point there :p
And if you plan right then im sure you'll be fine.

So what tribe or tribes do you see failing?
almost all tribes except few.

What tribes do you respect?
15:42 has done a great job defending so far.we have lost few nobles and some offense on their members.I wonder where they get all those defensive troops.
Also tribe "Nood" seems decent

Do you and your co-players ever get confused on messages and what is your name?
well Ali and I are pretty close and we have been playing together for a while ,so we understand each other well and share almost the same thoughts.but since Sett hasn't been with us from the start,we have difference of opinions sometimes.but its all good because we all are open minded about it
btw Im Milad.

What do you think of the tribe SIU who just made it into the top 20 lol?
erm,don't know any of players.can't make a comment.

is there anything you would like to tell other player or tribes our there?
just remember this is a game and its purpose is to entertain us,not annoy us.

Thank you for you time noise!!! Hope everyone enjoyed wasting a few minutes of there time :]
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i did and yay we are finally getting some good recognition :D


nice interview and love the last part. :D

is there anything you would like to tell other player or tribes our there?
just remember this is a game and its purpose is to entertain us,not annoy us


This time i just did a short interview with the tribe member of SIU. (my tribe :]) I interviewed SorryYouGotNuked. now this is just a short interview as we were tired and wanted to sleep.

How long have you been playing TW? 3-4 years since w23 on the .net server
What do you think of this world as its tribes and players? We will WIN! lol um, sparta family is definitely going to fail and I like PERV and Freaks tribe but 15:45 Is also good
Do you see any threats for your tribe? Not so far Because WE ARE AWESOME!!!!! and we...... Dang it, A.D.D kicked in. Atleast we'll never have problems with spies, because no one could survive reading our forums without stabbing their eyes out :p
If you had to choose between chocolate chip or oatmeal cookie, which one would you choose? My favorite is Pizza flavored but out of those two...... I like Tacos

Thank you for reading this short interview. Can't really say much about my tribe. We are a tribe that are here to have fun. well until next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe a member of 15:42 will be next. thank you all


Alright :] It has been a while but here is what you all have been waiting for!!!!! My next interview is with a 15:42 member! I like this interview and hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoy pizza ;D

Also, the player is the Amazinggg Doberman!!!!
Alright, ill ask a few questions at a time

How long have you been playing?
I have been playing for many years. Tried to quit God knows how many times, but I'm still here. Luckily this addiction don't cost much money

Do you really see freak as a threat or that they just got lucky?
Nothing to do with luck. It's called farming...a lot...and for those who bother to farm so much, they get rewarded to be stronger than their neighbors that can't keep up the pace with the multiaccounts
These players tend to have very little defense though, so it's not such a big deal that backtiming can't fix it

Any other threat besides freak if they are one?
Hehe, well, I and brothers-in-blood got at one point more than 10-12 players surrounding us from one of these MassRecr. tribes, and they were planning a major operation at us- Now they are all blasted to little pieces, scattered, and my ODA got sky high. There is nothing left here, and now we are bored to death where the war against Freaks is the only fun left

Whats your favorite food o_O? Homemade meatballs with potatoes
Huh, i heard of home made meat balls with spaghetti but oh well.

Are there any tribes you respect?
Well, freaks are in their own class with multiaccounts all over However, they struggle now as they have little defense and many tribes have chosen to attack them instead of just waiting for them. Freaks are loosing members and troops in a rapid pace, so I don't know how long they will last actually...

As a leader what do you look for most in your members?
I am just an ordinary member, but this is my first tribe I'm not a duke
I just hate to train new members, REALLY, so I gladly see them get nobled rather than support them actually. However if you know TW, then I usually make sure the member get untouchable when hell break loose

Do you think players kinda gave your tribe a bad look with the hole freak thing?
Hehe, yep, but then again 15:42 recruited members in many K's begging for trouble, so I'm not surprised we got "spies" who chose the easy way out of it

What do you think of the tribe SIU ;D?
Looks to be a sinking ship?

You know, im hungry now because of you -_- how does that make you feel?
It makes me feel OK

And last question. Is there anything you would like to let other players or tribes know, like a message or something?
This is a mindless, stupid game, demanding more time than you are willing to use on don't take it too serious as you always get nobled in the end anyway
I forgot your not the leader xD I knew you were not but ooops. And sinking ship :'[ my tribes a sinking ship. Well at least your honest (cries in the corner sucking his thumb)
I agree, you gotta have some fun ;]

Well thank you for your time and have a good day :]
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You forgot to mention my name, lopinoman :)

And this is your comment, not mine;
I forgot your not the leader xD I knew you were not but ooops. And sinking ship :'[ my tribes a sinking ship. Well at least your honest (cries in the corner sucking his thumb)
I agree, you gotta have some fun ;]

Well thank you for your time and have a good day :]

Nice to be interviewed though :)


Thank you and again i forgot to put bolds xD

Well everyone. I interviewed doberman :p


Nice interview.although,we don't multi account :p .we co play XD


you should add more past,present and future questions into the interviews. i am new to .us and don't know who Doberman is but he does sound like an influential player over here.


Don't think that every account of Freaks are being coplayed.I'm playing alone.


Keep up with the interviews lopinoman, they are good reads!!


I hope you go on with interviews :p
It doesnt matter I nobled you right :$