looking for a tribe in k 24


the title pretty much says it all i just started so i might need a bit of tutoring but im a quick learner if there is no tribe in k24 ill look at surrounding areas as well
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Good luck! I had a helluva time finding a good aggressive tribe, there. Ours is not a beginner tribe mainly because they are Russians and everything is Russian only.


You might want to check the rules, to save you time, I posted the specific rule below.

§8) Language

Tribal Wars is an English game. The use of other languages in game is forbidden. This means all profiles, mails, forum posts and any other publication must be in English.

A short phrase in another language is permitted, provided that this is translated to English either directly following or preceding it.

Creating a tribe exclusively for one nationality or language is strictly forbidden and may result in the tribe being disbanded.