Looking for Scripts:


Hey Guys,

Since I can't back onto US1 now I've lost all my scripts.

Right now I'm looking for an Op planner and a Script that is run from the map and extracts the BB codes of the villages when you click on them.

Thanks in advance! = )


There's something similar to this that's already part of the game. When you're looking at your map, underneath the minimap, there should be some display options. Check the box next to "Show Attack Planner."

Clicking on villages on the map will add them to the list to be "attacked" or "faked" by selected players. Once you've finished the plan, you can click "Export as BB-code" to get a list of coordinates.


Thanks Cheesasauras.

I looked at it and it worked similar but when I exported the BB I got the village BB with the word "Fake" beside it. Maybe I didn't do it right? = |

Anyway, I went into .net and my W9 BB grabber didn't work but my W63 did :confused:

This one is a Dale McKay one that takes the village BB in either regular BB form or in the numbered form so you can paste into a script

ie: 344|522 343|522 343|521 346|521 346|519 344|519 344|523 345|523

** I don't know how to do spoilers but here is the script.


javascript: var win=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main:window; var coords=[]; var outputID='villageList'; var encodeID='cbBBEncode'; var isEncoded=true; function fnRefresh(){win.$('#'+outputID).attr('value',coords.map(function(e){return isEncoded?'[coord]'+e+'[\/coord]':e;}).join(isEncoded?'\n':' '));} win.$(win.document).ready(function(){ if(win.$('#'+outputID).length<=0){ if(win.game_data.screen=='map'){ var srcHTML= '<div id="coord_picker">'+ '<span style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;">dalesmckay\'s co-ordinate picker v7.1:</span><br/><br/>'+ '<input type="checkbox" id="cbBBEncode" onClick="isEncoded=this.checked;fnRefresh();"'+(isEncoded?'checked':'')+'/>BB-Codes<br/>'+ '<textarea id="'+outputID+'" cols="40" rows="10" value="" onFocus="this.select();"/>'+ '</div>'; ele=win.$('body').append(win.$(srcHTML)); win.TWMap.map._handleClick=function(e){ var pos=this.coordByEvent(e); var coord=pos.join("|"); var ii=coords.indexOf(coord); if(ii>=0){ coords.splice(ii,1); } else{ coords.push(coord); } fnRefresh(); return false; }; } else{ alert("Run this script from the Map.\nRedirecting now..."); self.location=win.game_data.link_base_pure.replace(/screen\=\w*/i,"screen=map"); } } }); void(0);